The 101 Times
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2021


3 Successful Ways To Make Money From Home!

Work from home has become “the” thing during this pandemic. In fact, even after the lockdown gets lifted or when the pandemic ends, it is going to be challenging to go back to our ‘old normal’. That being said, there have been more opportunities for everyone to make money from home. Whether you’re facing a gap in your career or even if you’re studying, you can very well afford to dedicate a few hours to earn money.

When it comes to an online job, most candidates are worried about falling into a scam. While we can’t totally deny the fact that there are illegitimate companies out there who don’t pay well, there are also companies and options that do. In most cases, people look for opportunities to earn from home without investment. In this article, that is exactly what we are going to touch up on and help you find the right fit.

Without further ado, here is a list of ways you can make money from home.

3 ways to make money from home

Start a YouTube Channel-

Do you have an artistic side that you want to explore more? Can you face the camera or are you good at editing videos? In either case, starting a YouTube channel is a great way to earn money from home without investment. Especially with the prevalent influencer culture, this can really work for you in more than one way.

Firstly, start a channel on YouTube and give it a simple yet catchy name. What’s in a name? Well, that’s how your audience and subscribers will want to remember you by. So give it a good name, start posting content daily and make it interesting and engaging for your viewers. You can also join YouTube’s program where they post ads on your channel and you get paid in the bargain! So try this out to make money from home while also having fun.

Content writing-

Words can actually get you a career and pay well too! Yes, content writing is a great way to earn money from home without having to invest. Sites like Fiverr, UpWork, Freelancer are great if you want to find assignments and clients to work with. All it takes it setting up a profile, adding your portfolio there, a pricing list and you’re good to go. Once you build your profile, you can even start freelancing on your own. As a content writer, it will also help to know of some tools that will help you write better and crisper. Grammarly is one such plugin that you can install. Based on what you need help with, you can find a plugin for the same online.

Also, a content writer gets paid either on a per word, per assignment or per month basis. So it is definitely a great way to earn extra income from home.

Online reselling-

This is the perfect option to make all your entrepreneurial dreams real. Online reselling has made it possible for budding entrepreneurs, students, stay-at-home moms, new mothers to earn stable income from home. The best part is that you don’t even need previous work experience or an understanding of how business works. All you need is a smartphone and good internet connection.

Another great reason to love online reselling is because it allows you to earn money from home without investment. Wondering how that is possible? Let us tell you about it.

There are many apps and websites that encourage users to create an online store with them. One such app is the Shop101 app that is available in your Play Store. All you need to do is sign up with them, create an online store and pick the products you like from their product catalog. From the latest trends to finding something for every occasion, you can find all that and more.

After you add the products in your store, you need to share them with friends, family and on social media. It is only if you share that you can earn your profits at a quicker rate.

Not just that, it is also better for your brand as it not only increases visibility but also helps improve sales.

Another great feature of the app is that it allows you to create your own website! Isn’t that great? In fact, it is great for your business as it will help give that professional touch to your store.

Well, we hope that these suggestions help you figure out a way to stay engaged during the pandemic while also being able to earn money. Since they are zero investment options for work from home, it is already an added advantage unlike some illegitimate options on the internet. So, research well before you take up the option that appeals to you.

