3 Weird Traits that will make you a Successful Reseller!

Poorva Wele
The 101 Times
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2021

Dropshipping business has been around for quite a while now. In laypeople's language, we often refer dropshipping to as reselling. We can use both terms interchangeably. Reselling as a business is very easy to start. It does not ask you to have certain experience, educational qualification, and even investment! It can be started by anyone who wants to earn money by leveraging the power of the internet.

But what skills will help you be a successful reseller? All of us know to be successful at any business discipline, consistency, patience, and perseverance are the key ingredients along with a sound business plan. In this post, I am here to tell you about 3 weird traits that can take you a long way in reselling business, if used right!

qualities of a good seller

Let’s take a quick look at the traits and you can ponder over them as you read it!

  1. You believe the internet is a crazy good place!
    Internet is such a cool place and you believe in it more than anything in this world. You strongly believe in the magic that the internet can help you create. Reselling is one wonder brought to this world by the power of the internet.
    You are also up to date with trends and have a knack for tech. You know how to make the tech and internet work for you.
    If you think you match these characteristics, then give yourself a star and proceed to the next quality.
  2. You can find lesser-known items
    If there’s a new and unique product in the market, it is always you who finds it before anyone else. Your peers and your family are always amazed at this quality. Being able to find unique products and making them work is your cup of tea!
    If you resonate with these qualities, give yourself another star and proceed to the third.
  3. You believe in networking should be built and leveraged
    You can build a meaningful network wherever you go, offline or online. People take your word as it is. It is a trait that not many possess, and if you are someone who has it, treasure it.
    If you think all the above qualities were speaking of you, you would be a great reseller.

As I said earlier as well, to succeed at reselling, some key virtues like discipline need to be present, but some off-beat traits like these also help one scale a long way in reselling!

Leverage your network, and make the most of this crazy good place called the Internet, and earn up to ₹25,000 per month by reselling. To start your reselling business, you just need your smartphone. Download the Shop101 app, and get started in just a couple of minutes!

It’s time to let your weird traits shine and be a successful reseller! Download the app now!



Poorva Wele
The 101 Times

Hello readers, I am a content writer at Shop101. I write about what connects with people, lifestyle, marketing, and much more. www.linkedin.com/in/poorva-wele