5 Small Gestures That Go a BIG Way in Business

Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2021

You must’ve often heard things like ‘it is always in the finer details or it is the small things that go a long way’. Well, it is every bit true. If you pay attention to the things that might go unnoticed, then you’re the one who will get noticed in the bargain. This holds true especially in a business setup. Want to know how? Read on and find out!

When it comes to a business or workplace, there are a few thing that you need to adapt as part of the culture. As the business grows, so does the complexity. So it invariably becomes a challenge for companies to offer the right kind of support to the employees. But this is not something that can’t be achieved.

In this post, let us look at 5 small gestures that can change the game for businesses/companies alike.

Building smaller teams

Want better productivity? Create smaller teams! Research proves that employees are far more productive when they work in smaller teams/organisations. This is mainly because the team members feel more valued, heard and relevant in the organisation as opposed to a larger setup.

There is also a sense of accountability and personal development that one experiences in smaller teams. Also, each role that is assigned is well thought after and therefore gives employees more say and responsibilities in the team and company.

Customer support

Every company needs to have a proper customer support in place. Having a dedicated team to reach out to your customers or answer their queries is really important because it makes me them feel like you’re listening. A dedicated customer support team is what will also invoke trust in customers since there will be someone to assist them every step of the way.

Celebrating smaller milestones

Apart from regular celebrations, what would really matter to employees is celebrating the smaller occasions. Congratulate employees on their work anniversary, recognise their work and effort, acknowledge their achievements etc. You should practise this not just from your end but also across other teams and team members. Let every one know and follow the same, to help build a healthy culture at work.

Maintaining the spirit

How can you continue to maintain the spirit at work? How can you motivate your team at work? The answer is- through continuous learning!

Provide opportunities for growth within the company. Encourage team members to seek mentorship from the senior level employees . Get together different team for one task and see how they function together. Support their voice, help them build around their ideas and give them access to knowledge, to add to their existing skills.

Get into micro-learning

Online learning or e-learning is THE thing these days. Make short and concise modules that will help others learn more about the product or what your business has to offer. This gives them a more personalised feel while also helping them learn more about you. Create bite-sized content that can easily open on one’s phone and one that will add value to the person downloading it. Infographics are also a great way to do this. The learning modules do not have to be limited to the company or its products. It can be a source to learn something new, something that your team members can take with them, wherever they go next.

Well, these small efforts will ensure long term alliance to say the least. Make your employees and also your customers feel involved and invested in your culture. This goes a long way and definitely leaves an impact on whoever’s a part of it. So, introduce these little gestures and be the change that others wish to see!



Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times

Coffee lover & Self-proclaimed Grammar nazi who loves to have fun with words. The more I write, the better I get!