5 habits you must add to your morning routine

Paripsa Pandya
The 101 Times
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2021

Work from home may seem dreamy and may feel like a stress-free experience, but in reality, it’s far from it. For a lot of people, work from home means a lack of any boundaries, a lot of tasks, and an absence of schedule. A lot of people pick up their laptops as soon as they wake up and end up working throughout the day. While you may think that this is progress and hard work, not being able to get sufficient rest may cause burnout in the long run. Exhaustion from overworking is something a lot of people face while working from home. This is because of a number of reasons.

Firstly, a lot of people just wake up and start working so they lose a sense of how many hours they spend working. In a work atmosphere, in an office setting, this wouldn’t happen because there are certain working hours. Secondly, because we’re working from home, many of us work from our beds, our couches, in our balconies and so there’s no space that is just devoted to rest. So many of us are constantly overworked, yet it’s not that hard to stop feeling like that. All we need to do is establish some boundaries and change our lifestyle a little.

Here are 5 things you must do as part of your morning routine when working from home:

  1. No phones before a certain time:

The moment we see work notifications on our phones, we start panicking and working. Try to not use your phone for the first 30–60 minutes of the day. Try starting the day without your phone. This will not only help you feel calmer but will also give you something to look forward to in the morning apart from work.

2. Eat a proper breakfast:

A lot of people wake up and start worrying about the work that they need to complete and then immediately start planning for the day ahead. In doing so, they miss out on the most important meal of the day. But how can one work when one is not nourished enough? It is very important to have breakfast in the morning, one that is consumed preferably without your phone. Even better if you get to enjoy it with family.

3. Try reading something in the morning:

Reading is an extremely beneficial habit, but one that a lot of us seem to have lost right now. In a time when it’s so easy to stream something on your phone or your laptop, reading a book may seem like a lot of effort. But it does enrich you in many ways. Pick up any book, any genre that you like, and devote 10–15 minutes every morning to reading about it.

4. Try some light stretching exercises:

You don’t have to become a gym junkie nor do you have to have an elaborate workout routine. But since many of us aren’t moving out of our homes, we’re not having any sort of movement and since we’re on our laptops all day, our muscles can get tense. A few lights stretch, maybe a couple of Surya Namaskars in the morning will not only help your body but will also help your mind.

5. Try any activity that calms you:

This could be anything you like. You could dance for a bit to your favourite songs, you could doodle, paint, or even journal, but try to do something that makes you feel calm, happy, and content.

Having a good morning is very essential to having a good day. Think of it as taking care of your mental and physical health. Elevate your mornings to elevate your life!

