Best ways to use a meme on social media

Poorva Wele
The 101 Times
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2021

Memes are an extremely unconventional yet the most favourite methods of communication among youngsters of all ages. That’s correct! Because a little sense of humour never harmed anybody. Memes have defied the age barrier and are now a massive source of entertainment, news, fun, and strangely enough, also information. Memes thus is a multipurpose piece of content used widely by individuals and brands to convey their emotions, feelings, and products. Believe it or not, the word “meme” was coined way back in 1976! Whaaaaat! Yes. It was coined by Richard Dawkins, in his book The Selfish Gene in the year 1976. But its usage became more evident since the internet started becoming more accessible to everyone, around 2005.

Memes are becoming increasingly popular and hence we also need to see why and how to use this and elevate your reach by adding a hint of a sense of humour.

best ways to use memes on social media

Let us first understand why do brands use memes:

  1. Inexpensive form of content
  2. Wider reach
  3. Easily accessible
  4. Light and easy to consume
  5. Sense of community
  6. Better visibility

And now, what are the best ways to use memes on Social Media?

  1. For product features:
    Incorporating your product features in a meme is the future that we are living in. It helps your brand in the dual fold. First, the meme being very relatable connects with a lot of people, second, the occasional use of a sense of humour also helps to connect the product to the users.
  2. To drive engagement:
    Memes have a better engagement rate and thus is seen by more people. This ultimately helps your message to reach a wider audience. A meme that is well integrated with your brand will attract more engagement.
  3. Hopping on a new trend:
    Jumping on a new trend, often called moment marketing drives visibility to your brand. Witty and crisp copies often garner a lot of attention. Always keep an eye on new memes that can be related to your brand.

Bonus: Brand voice is essential and needs to be given prime importance when creating a meme. Only memes that relate to the brand are useful, in fact, memes that have no relation to either product or the brand can do more harm than good. That said, the pros of using a meme will outweigh the cons (if any) on any given day!

So, put on the thinking caps and start using memes that relate to the brand. A dash of sense of humour only gets better.

That’s it for today, I will see you again very soon. Until then, take care of yourself and keep your mask on! Follow us if you haven’t done that already.



Poorva Wele
The 101 Times

Hello readers, I am a content writer at Shop101. I write about what connects with people, lifestyle, marketing, and much more.