Coffee Lovers, Where You At?

Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2021

What is that one thing that saves you from falling asleep at meetings? Are you even approachable in the mornings before you’ve had a cup of goodness? I guess not! This post is dedicated to all the coffee lovers out there as we celebrate International Coffee Day on October 1st.

This day came into existence to celebrate and appreciate the efforts of everyone associated to the coffee growing or roasting industry. If we trace the history of coffee and how it originated then Ethiopia is in the forefront, to take credit for being the birthplace of one of the most popular beverages of the world.

Coffee has played a huge role in our lives, in one or more than one way. From being the ideal drink that kicks in your energy for the day to being the perfect excuse to spend time with your friends/loved ones at a cafe; Coffee has done more than its share for us. So, one this International Coffee Day, here are a few ideas that can help you kickstart your Friday (October 1st falls on that day).

Fun ideas to celebrate Coffee day with your Colleagues

Coffee themed day

You can never get bored of themes at work. What better a day than this, to introduce a unique theme at your workplace. You can encourage creativity from different teams and have them plan according to the theme. Reward them with some coffee related goodies if they really stand out.

Host a coffee tasting

If your team resides in the same city as you, get together with them and host a tasting with a popular coffee brewer/roaster in the city. Please look into the safety aspect too and only then plan a meet up in a public space.

Create Coffee Challenges

Social media is all about trends and challenges. If you want to capitalise on the same, then why don’t you create something on the lines of a #CoffeeChallenge or #CoffeeTohBantaHai trend? It can really create quite a stir with your audience and may even get you more traction, interaction and engagement. Isn’t this a good way for your company to get on top of trends?

Treat your Team for a Cuppa Coffee

Small gestures go a big way! Treat your team to a cuppa coffee. So what if they’re all working remotely? You can collectively have a nice coffee meeting in the evening and ring in the weekend in an active way.

So, what do you think about this super energiser beverage? Do you want to celebrate its day with others? If yes, how do you plan to do it?



Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times

Coffee lover & Self-proclaimed Grammar nazi who loves to have fun with words. The more I write, the better I get!