Did You Know about ‘Boss’s Day’ in October? Read more

Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2021

October 16th, is considered as National Boss’s day and I had to take the opportunity to write my two cents about it. in 1958, Patricia Bays Haroski registered this holiday on October 16th, which also happens to be her father’s birthday. She felt that he was an excellent boss and wanted to have a day dedicated to that very trait. That said, we’ve all had a Boss in our lives and whether they’ve been good to us or horrible, we’ve had a lot to learn from them!

Bosses are the ones who keep us busy, employed, occupied and also annoyed! Jokes apart, they’re the ones who see our professional graphs closely and can tell us about where our true potential lies. Now that we know of a day to celebrate our Bosses, let us take a moment to identify the different types of bosses out there. You can also add your own suggestions to the list below.

Types of Bosses that You Will Come Across

The Old-Schooler

This type of boss goes by the book and has the team follow the same. They usually follow old-school methods which may or may not seem as valid in today’s times but somehow do have an impact. They’re rich in experiences and somehow can’t budge from their pattern easily. With this kind of a boss, you can always aim to be more proactive and introduce new methods, if you’re feeling highly motivated to do so.

The Workaholic

Workaholics are a tough breed because for them, the job comes first. There’s no such things as too much work for this type of a boss. This boss will always show up to work and expects full strength at work too. But that doesn’t mean you have to be a workaholic yourself. It is better to lay down your priorities in front of the workaholic boss so that you don’t become one yourself.

The Picky Choosy

Have you been picked on for the smallest things? Do the words ‘rework on this’ sound familiar to you? Well, then you’re dealing with the Nitpicker! This type of a boss goes into the smallest of details and makes life miserable for the employees, leaving them with no scope for error. You need to bring out your arguing skills with a boss like this as you will need to provide validation at every step. Be sure not to step the line because the Boss always likes to be in control, at the end of the day.

The Friendly Boss

Of course your Boss cannot be your friend in the real sense but they are capable of making you feel like they are. The Friendly Boss understands your needs and pov; giving you the importance that you’re looking for in the company. That said, these are the bosses who also expect you to deliver, if they’re giving you benefits along with the job. They are also the same people who will vouch for your progress and give you your due.

The Great Boss

Finally, a Boss that you will always wish for but need to be really lucky to find. This boss is the ideal boss in the category of bosses. He listens, he is open to ideation, he is fair and he is all for positive reinforcement. A great boss isn’t hard to find but you just need all the luck to get your hands on this amazing package.

Speaking of Bosses, you can be your own Boss too, by reselling products online, just through an app. Wondering how? The Shop101 app empowers anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur and run their own business. All you need to do is download the app, create your online store, share products and earn! Doesn’t it sound interesting? Do try out the app!

Well, if you’re a Boss and you’ve read my post to this point, which one of these do you think you are??

If you’re an employee, tell us more about the type of boss you’re working for right now.

Hope my readers liked this post and whether you have a great boss or an average one, be sure to celebrate the day in style. After all, there is always a great amount of learning involved from our seniors and who knows, one day you will be in one of these positions too.



Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times

Coffee lover & Self-proclaimed Grammar nazi who loves to have fun with words. The more I write, the better I get!