How Has the Pandemic Changed Our Work Style? Find out here!

Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2021

If we say that nothing has changed since we switched to a work from home setup from a full time one during the pandemic? Then we’d obviously be lying! A lot has changed since this transition became a part of our lives. Although Corporate culture tried to retain its basic principles, the loss of an office space kind of tampered with the same.

An out of office job isn’t the same as one that is within that space. When you’re at home, you are more at ease as compared to your work place. From your posture to your moods, everything is influenced by the environment that you’re in. It’s like one can’t be the same person when at a club as also at their child’s school, can they? It’s about being at ease while also being more aware of your surroundings. So, coming to the main question, ‘how has the pandemic changed our work style?’- well here are a few ways that I could think of.

Influence of the Pandemic on Our Work

It has taught us the fine art of multi-tasking

An office space is great for sure but working from home is and has been a challenge for all. This challenge however, has worked in our favour because it has made us think of life beyond just our work. Working from home has made everyone realise how much of a toll it takes for women in particular, to have it all together in a chaotic environment.

It has made us understand the subtle art of multi-tasking and made us more aware of how to pitch in and manage everything under one roof, apart from only focusing on your desk job.

Provided Flexibility

Work life is no longer about the stereotypical 9–5 login hours. These days it is more about offering flexibility, in order to increase productivity. Giving employees flexible choices, goes a long way and contributes to building trust and loyalty as a brand/company. Maintaining this kind of agility not only boosts your employees morale, but it also contributes to the spirit of teamwork. Since all are working remotely, offering flexibility only works in your favour as the team will find a way to work around it, thus increasing healthy coordination and interaction.

Technological upgrade

Since our lives are now limited to the screen, it has helped companies adopt swifter ways of communication channels to get work done. Slack, Clickup, Zoom, Google meet are all different channels of communication that have helped speed up the process and bridge the gap between the employer and the employee. This has helped us upgrade ourselves and also taught us how to manage our tasks better by simply following a process. These channels, among others are definitely worth mentioning in your resume!

Also, a lot of employees, students, professionals have found ways to do online courses and add to their existing skills. This is something not everyone could manage earlier because most of the time was hogged by traveling to and fro to work. All that additional time has now worked for people because it has given them better opportunities to work and discover some of their innate skills.

So barring these, how else do you think has the pandemic influenced our style of working? If you can think of some more ways that have impacted our work culture, please write back.



Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times

Coffee lover & Self-proclaimed Grammar nazi who loves to have fun with words. The more I write, the better I get!