Remote Working- Boon or Bane?

Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2021

With the prolonged pandemic that we’ve all been a part of, the culture of working remotely has continued too. What started as a struggle in the year 2020, has sort of grown on all of us; irrespective of whether we like it or not. They say, it takes 21 days to form a habit and truth be told, that’s how this remote working culture also took shape for those with jobs. It has become a part of our lives!

That said, it has certainly thrown way too many challenges at us. Fixing a schedule is one thing but fixing a schedule among schedules is a whole different ball game. Working remotely has definitely brought about a lot of changes, not just in us but in our routines as well. So, the question here is, ‘is remote working a boon or a bane?’. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of it and we can decide for ourselves after reading the list.

Remote working- A Boon?

Like me, if you’ve also been working remotely since the last year or so, then you would’ve realised by now that it is such a boon!

Not only do you get to manage your day better but you also have a set and a more disciplined schedule in place. The reason I think of remote working as a boon is because:

  1. You get to spend adequate time with your family
  2. You save time on travel
  3. There is no morning rush to cook & you can have timely meals at home
  4. You get to stay in comfortable clothes
  5. You’re getting better at multi-tasking
  6. You are also saving money by avoiding unnecessary expenditures
  7. Staying at home is not just advised but it also ensures that one’s mental and physical health is in check
  8. There is also an increase in productivity

Remote working- A Bane?

For all the office goers, working remotely didn’t come easy! This was primarily because a new way of life had to be embraced and this path was definitely not as easy as it sounds. When people used to say that they ‘work from home’, it was often considered a “freelance” gig and not a full time. But, that definition has changed today because the biggest of companies have switched to remote working.

Although it isn’t a new concept, why do you think people have found it challenging? Well, here are a few reasons that I could think of.

  1. The feel of an office is missing, making it hard to stay focused on tasks at times
  2. Since we are in a home environment, there are distractions of different kinds that we are faced with
  3. We are lacking regular interactions with our team (zoom meetings don’t count)
  4. There is a lesser chance for new trainees and joinees of learning and gaining experience from senior team players
  5. It can be a little costly too because one might need to invest in good internet connection, a comfortable chair, printer, stationery etc.
  6. There is a lack of spontaneity because every zoom meeting is a planned and deliberate effort
  7. Celebrations are reduced to virtual gatherings
  8. Social interaction is important and can affect productivity owing to the lack of it.

I am somewhere in a limbo when it comes to taking this decision about remote working. But if you have picked a side, can you tell me what has or has not worked for you? (if it isn’t in the above list already).

All in all, every coin has two sides and what seems right to some, may seem totally wrong to others. So I guess this is a totally situational, debatable and personal topic! Makes me wonder if I will ever get an answer?….



Sunaina Aiyappa
The 101 Times

Coffee lover & Self-proclaimed Grammar nazi who loves to have fun with words. The more I write, the better I get!