What does freedom mean to me in 2021?

Poorva Wele
The 101 Times
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2021

Google defines “freedom” as 1) the right or ability to do or say what you want, and 2) the state of not being held prisoner or controlled by somebody else. In 1947, when we finally won freedom, the happiness, the ecstasy, the joy, and the celebrations knew no bounds, rightly so.

But is freedom only restricted to this? It would be too narrow of us to think that. Freedom in different eras meant different things. This is primarily because over the passage of time, culture, thoughts, and thus society underwent a lot of changes. Freedom is greatly subjective in nature. What freedom means to me won’t necessarily mean to you. Freedom has a wider scope, a fraction of which I am going to cover in this post.

So what does freedom mean to me in 2021? To me, it means not having to depend on anyone for money and not having to rely on anyone else for my bills. In other words, financial independence! It is one of the most important things for a millennial woman like you and me. Financial independence is very important in today’s day and age.

Financial independence is my freedom! It gives me, or any other woman a sense of security, a sense of belonging, and a sense of self-worth. Back in the ’70s, freedom for women meant being able to work, those were the days when women needed *permission* to work and earn. The landscape hasn’t changed drastically, but we have seen improvement in the area.

Why is financial independence so important to women in 2021?
Women have been abused, they have faced violence, they were stuck in abusive and toxic relationships, many times solely because they were financially dependent on their spouse. It became difficult for them to walk away. They felt helpless. As a remedy to this, many women are actively trying to break these shackles and taking their baby steps to become independent financially. To not have to rely on anyone for bills is a wonderful feeling!

A woman of this day takes up the job that she likes or starts a business that she is interested in. She refuses to be dependent on anyone and takes charge of her finances. For instance, Savita is a homemaker, she had always wished to be financially independent. The first time she paid her child — Ashwini’s school fees, Savita says she felt invincible and hasn’t forgotten the feeling and the day.

But how did she achieve her goal of being financial independent? She started a business with Shop101, and now resells to earn a living and supports her husband by taking off his burden of finances. She started her business without investment, without inventory, and completely online. She hasn’t incurred a single loss ever since she has started, only profits!

You can be like Savita too! There’s a Savita in all of us, when the true self is unleashed, it can do wonders you never imagined! Unlock your true potential. This Independence Day, take a step to achieve financial independence with Shop101! Download the Shop101 app now!



Poorva Wele
The 101 Times

Hello readers, I am a content writer at Shop101. I write about what connects with people, lifestyle, marketing, and much more. www.linkedin.com/in/poorva-wele