What’s Your Brand Horoscope?

ABC Design Lab
The Agency
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2016

After a five-month sprint rebranding and redesigning our entire company identity, we’ve got some stories to tell. There have been late nights. There have been fights over triangles. Somewhere along the way someone might have snapped, “Shut it, Gemini!”

This is pretty normal. At least in our house.

In our business-think, design-do world, creativity is our currency. That means we’re hyper-aware of our team’s personality types — and, naturally, astrological signs.

We’re tight with the planets, and we’ve seen how the astrological signs of our team members operate during the rebranding process. Here’s what to expect:

Aries: Fire-breathing grasshopper.

As an eager and action-oriented person, you are a strong natural leader and like to take initiative. Diving into new beginnings is your jam and there’s nothing that gets you more fired up than when someone whispers in your ear, “It’s time to rebrand.” At that moment, it’s all systems go as you jump into new logo designs and brand exploration. You see this project as a time to shine and take charge, dabbling in every little thing because it gets you so damn excited. But be careful of your impulsive tendencies: we love your enthusiasm, but sometimes you just need to calm the f down and finish something for once in your life.

Taurus: Unicorn with style.

If we had to pick an astrological sign that would embody the perfect visual designer, it would be Taurus — hands down, game over. Not only are you a dedicated, hardworking individual, you have a refined taste that translates into beautiful, premium visual design that perfectly captures brand identity. You are that perfect mix of creative and steadfast: a rainbow-colored unicorn that charges toward a goal like a bull. Just remember that masterpieces take time and teamwork, so check your stubborn sass attitude at the door.

Gemini: Split-personality dreamer.

Gemini, you’re the kid who walked into the job interview with some crazy brilliant idea and was hired on the spot. With a dual personality, your mind moves faster than the Road Runner, and you have no trouble broadcasting all your thoughts…so don’t mind us if we duct tape your mouth every once in awhile. We love having you around for those tough creative moments, the moments when we know we’re on the brink of something big — because you know just how to combine our unique and out-there ideas in the perfect way.

Cancer: Mama bear mindset.

We’ll be honest. When you’re rebranding your own company, things can get pretty cray. We laugh, we cry, and sometimes we just don’t want to take our own brand medicine. But you, Cancer, keep us together like the one big happy family we truly are. You have a nurturing and comforting presence that knows just how to keep us calm and focused on our goals. You are a fierce protector of everything we’ve built and stand for, so if someone’s messing on our turf, we can rely on you to channel your inner pitbull.

Leo: Dramatically brilliant.

You are the leader of the pack that knows how to make every little task fun and exciting. As a natural leader, people in the room look to you for direction because you know how to channel your talents into creating an authentic, bold brand. But, don’t let this all get to your head, hotshot. Ruled by the Sun, you definitely know how to take charge when the eyes are turned on you. But, just like the Sun, remember to shine the spotlight on others. Others on the team will respond well to your praise and acknowledgment, and will know to recognize leadership in others as well.

Virgo: Bringing the diamonds.

Dude, is your brain organized or what? You don’t miss a single thing, and that’s why you’re one of the best brand strategists on the team — going over every little thing to make sure we’re bringing forth a game-changing brand. As the perfectionist, you elevate expectations for the team, and that certainly helps bring about our best work, like diamonds under pressure. Just remember that we can’t be as perfect as you, O Holy One, so stop drawing daggers whenever we misplace a comma.

Libra: Smooth-talking avenger.

The creative world is full of Libras, and it’s not hard to understand why. You naturally surround yourself with art, culture, and anything that feeds the soul. You’re a natural at design, and we can count on you to bring our brand to a whole new level of sophistication and beauty. When you’re not designing, you are our diplomatic ambassador. You are great with people and definitely know how to sell us on new brand directions. Just be careful about those deadlines, buddy. We know you like to take your time, but brands don’t design themselves.

Scorpio: Down and dirty.

Scorpio, you are dark af. Your planetary sidekick is Pluto, named after the god of the underworld, so it’s no wonder you have a deep, dark, mysterious side. You love to dig deep, uncovering the truth and authenticity of whatever you are focusing on. Combine that with your competitive edge and serious approach to work, and you make a great brand strategist. You get to the core of who we, are and you’re not afraid to call it like it is — because you know that doing the hard work up front is the only way to come out on top.

Sagittarius: Straight-shootin’ cowboy

You’re the person on our team who gets us all doing impromptu jumping jacks in the middle of the office. As a whip-smart forever learner and teacher, you dabble in each aspect of the rebranding process and swoop in with the burst of energy and inspiration we all need. You thrive in an adventurous culture that’s open to exploration and learning new things, so taking on new projects and thinking up new product ideas is your idea of a good time. When things aren’t grooving, you’re not afraid to throw out the rules so we can get. shit. done.

Capricorn: Going for gold.

As a Capricorn, you are no stranger to hard work, and you know that when it comes to busting out a banging rebrand, it isn’t always fun and games. The ultimate reward comes through patience and devotion to the task at hand, and we appreciate your tenacious attitude when things get tough. Your strength for structure along with your hidden artistic side also makes you a great designer. You always bring your A game, but this whole “blood, sweat, and tears” attitude can be a bit much. Stop playing the martyr, close out InDesign, and grab a beer.

Aquarius: Revolutionary Alien

You thrive on your individuality and bring that flair for quirk and originality to work, which is why we can always count on you to add a dash of that secret sauce to make a brand really stand out. You’re fantastic at using your out-of-the-box thinking to break into an industry in an unconventional way — you’re the one who pushes us to shift the future and make the world a better place. Though you march to the beat of your own drum, you are also a people person and a great member of the team. Just remember to translate your crazy alien ideas for us earthlings, ok?

Pisces: The spiritual seer.

Your imagination runs wild and you are an active dreamer, so you come to the office with almost an endless amount of creative inspiration. With a strong appreciation for art and design, you know how to make the visions in your head come to life in the real world. Your intuitive and compassionate side means nothing gets by you when it comes to team dynamics. And we get it — we’re excited about the new brand and website too, but you need to stop the emotional crying. It’s freaking out our WeWork neighbors.

The planets have spoken. Now see what really happens when all 12 Zodiac signs brand a business.

Published inThe Agency- curated byCrew. Check us out to get started working with the best designers and developers on the web.

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ABC Design Lab
The Agency

ABC helps businesses evolve through strategic branding, communications, and digital design. www.abcdesignlab.co