Equalizer Finance with Julian Nita

Steven Jim
The AMA Room
Published in
12 min readMar 12, 2021

Brief Information

Equalizer represents the next-generation flash lending marketplace, bringing together liquidity providers and borrowers. They incentivize liquidity providers by offering them passive income for the same token they have provided as liquidity and giving them Equalizer governance tokens proportional to their funds and the lending duration.

Introduction AMA

Patrice: HI @educoin We have here Iulian, Product Lead of Equalizer Finance!! WELCOME! How are you?

Julian: Hi ! All good! happy to connect :)

Patrice: HI!! the whole gang is here. Where are you logging in right now? @educoin The rest of the team can say hello too 🙂

Alen: Hi :)

P: Hello everyone!

Patrice: Are you guys all in one location?

Stefan: Hello!

Julian: in Luxembourg right now, unhappy that I can’t travel :))

Alen: Slovenia, Ljubljana

Patrice: same here 😂 will definitely google this later! haha. so please introduce yourselves, your role in the company

Julian: We are Equalizer squad ! We are senior developers, experienced blockchain researchers, and top management professionals with a shared understanding of the concept of DeFi and its innovative potential.

I am product lead, Alen is architect lead, Pablo is the best DevOps , Stefan is the best full stack dev, and Vlad the best PM :)

Patrice: Nice! i like how you’re all in here ready to take over the questions later haha please do tell us what Equalizer is

Julian: let’s see the rain of questions :)

Patrice: :Later 😉

Julian: Equalizer is the first dedicated platform for flash loans

Patrice: Only flash loans?

Julian: The first market place that offers a specialized service and it’s designed to provide full set of capabilities for delivering this service. Only flash loans!

We do one thing and we do it perfect ;)

P: Yes, by focusing on a single core product we can provide a tailored solution to the needs of Borrowers and increase benefits to liquidity providers

Patrice: it’s refreshing to see a product that just wants to specialize in one thing given that most DApps lately want to have maximum scalability and all the works 😂 What is unique about Equalizer?

Julian: We provide an unprecedented levels of performance, flexibility and unique value propositions across the DeFi ecosystem.

Dynamic fees
Unique incentive scheme for liquidity providers
Fast and scalable infrastructure
Unlimited ERC20 token range
Integration-friendly philosophy
Unique governance model
Multi-chain and cross-chain capabilities

Patrice: Has it launched already?

Julian: Not yet, it’s work in progress. We focus now on defining the proper specifications and after that we start the development and deployment phases

Alen: At the moment we are working on innovations and core capabilities of the platform.

Patrice: I see! who are your target users?

P: Our main target is for borrowers or anyone who needs access to a plethora of tokens with a guaranteed amount of liquidity. Also, we target people looking to gain healthy profits on tokens not currently used for yield farming in other DeFi platforms

Patrice: I see! are the interest rates and collateralization ratio higher? For flash loans, that is.

Julian: Equalizer serves two classes of customers, these are Liquidity Providers and Borrowers. For flash loan there’s no need of collateral

Stefan: The interest rates are configurable per liquidity pool by the governance smart contract.

Julian: The fees are configurable, can be adjusted by configuration, via governance. Here is coming the innovation and the beauty of blockchain as a trusted machine

Patrice: Really. Very interesting! What serves as security from the borrowers?

Stefan: Flash loans on DeFI market define a very special condition, and that is, put the borrowed ERC20 coin back in the liquidity pool right about the same block it was taken. from a time perspective its atomic, in the same actual moment. If the coin is not deposited back, then the whole state is reverted to the previous

Patrice: WHOA! i didn't know this was possible 😂

Julian: So, as you can see, instead of collateral condition, you have a time condition

Stefan: everything is possible with the right amount of resources.

Patrice: Right! Agree on this! So tell us about your token and its utilities.

Julian: The Equalizer token denomination is EQZ and it represents the ERC20 token used for platform governance and distributed via the token generation event of Equalizer. The token will be used as: Incentive for Liquidity Providers of the Equalizer Token Vaults as a Yield Farming instrument
Incentive for the Uniswap Liquidity Providers, as a Liquidity Mining reward
To stimulate the uptake and integration of Equalizer platform in other existing or future platforms in the DeFi market.
Funding pool for R&D projects with focus to multi-chain and cross-chain capabilities. The holders of the governance token will vote on at least one of the following parameters

How many token vaults will be allowed for yield farming

What are the tokens accepted for yield farming

The flash loan fees for each individual token vault

What is the maximum accepted liquidity in each Token Vault

What is the split for the fees obtained from offering the flash loans

How to spend the funds from the Equalizer Treasury

Pause the flash loan for a specific token vault (default none)

and many other we don’t see now

the list is opened :)

Patrice: Wow! So it’s quite a powerful token in the platform being able to vote on those major areas. How big is the team currently? are there more aside from you guys? 🙂

Julian: We are 6 warriors now and we’ll extend the team with other 4 members, soon.

Patrice: Awesome! growing big now i see 🙂

Community AMA

Q: Why does Equalizer Finance decided to focus more on flashloans of all the initiatives in the space? Ain’t they just a normal tool? What makes you see it as a vital component for the growth and stability of the DeFi ecosystem? Do you really think they can bring a considerable value to the DeFi market? #EqualizerAMAroom

Julian: because the flash loan volume is exponentially growing, in the same time with the growth of DeFi market. The use cases of flash loans are many, from arbitrage to collateral swapping, portfolio rebalancing, liquidations etc. As you can see more opportunities are coming in the DeFi market. We believe the specialized flash loan platform is a must

Q: Equalizer finance says it aspires to become a solid building block of the decentralized Finance market. I’m not saying this isn’t possible, i just want to know the mechanisms you’ve put in place to help make it possible? What makes you so confident that you would disrupt the space with your flash loans services?

Alen: The team is focusing on highly optimized flash loan platform for a wide range of tokens. It will offer user-friendly APIs, libraries and examples to enable a seamless use, integration. In the future, the service will be extended to other (ethereum-compliant) ledgers.

Q: Based on your whitepaper, you are supporting any ERC20 tokens. Does this mean that we, users, can flash loan not just DAI or ETH, but any possible liquid ERC20 tokens as well?

P: Correct, any ERC20 token that gets approved via the governance token will be allowed to be used for flash loans

Q: What are some of the special incentives for long-term liquidity providers? Do borrowers and lenders need to hold certain amount of tokens to be actively involved in Equalizer Finance?

Julian: we will have a yield farming program that will reward long term liquidity providers, using an amplifier factor that will take into consideration the duration of providing liquidity

Q: For project development, the main priority is to have sufficient funds. Is your team financially able to carry out this project? Do you have sufficient funds for development? Can you tell us how your project is turning a profit?

Julian: We have enough funds to develop the project, The entire budget is well distributed to have a successful product

Q: You are gradually changing the control of the group to the most deserving members, can you mention what are the steps to follow so that a new user on your platform can become a member that can be part of the DAO?

Julian: Yes. We’re starting with the core team and as the platform matures the control will be shifted to the governance token owners. As mentioned above, the governance token can be used to vote on a wide range of topics.

Q: 🌟 My question for @theamaroom AMA at http://t.me/amaroom: On of the advantages of Equalizer is the dynamic fees. Can you explain exactly what are the dynamics fees? Are these fees beneficial for users? #EqualizerAMAroom

Alen: Fees are dictated by a fine-tuned algorithm that considers market forces such as the number of transactions, interactions, and community through governance voting. Equalizer has its fees updated in real-time. The applicable flash loan fees can be updated based on the decision of the governance votes or based on an algorithmic approach to find the right balance between offer and demand. This suggests that the payments would be high enough to attract liquidity suppliers but minimal sufficient to persuade arbitrators to use the platform and earn a profit.
Additionally, there will be the possibility to create custom rules for specific tokens or vaults through community governance that offer the users bleeding-edge flexibility and versatility to market conditions. The aim is to use all these fine-tuning mechanisms to provide an ecosystem that will offer fees big enough to motivate liquidity providers but small enough to convince arbitrageurs to use the platform and generate profit.

Q: As an investor perspective before I invest can you please tell us more about roadmap and tell me #EqualizerFinance mission and vision?

Alen: Our goal is to bring inexpensive and reliable flash lending services to the DeFi space. Instead of diverse initiatives isolated from each other, we must build the DeFi ecosystem on solid foundations.
In our vision, flash loans are not just a useful tool; they are a vital component for the growth and stability of the DeFi ecosystem, directly linked with the DEX volumes and overall
liquidity in the broader ecosystem. Its main applications, such as arbitrage, rebalances, liquidations, and collateral swapping, are critical functions that allow for a smooth and
steady running of the DeFi industry. To scale up, the industry will need a dedicated player for flash loans, which is our exact vision for Equalizer.
Flash loans can bring considerable value to the DeFi market, and the growth opportunity in this industry is immeasurable. A specialized/dedicated flash loan platform is a necessary
building block of DeFi. Through our governance model, we will mitigate many possible
financial exploits and other similar risks.
Roadmap: 1. Launch on the ETH mainnet, 2. launch on other EVM-compliant chains, 3.Launch on other compatible chains, 4. Research and implement cross-chain interaction, 5. Move to a fully decentralized governance model

P: Our roadmap is fully visible in our website and we’ve already completed our first sprint

Q: Which part of the project are YOUR TEAM mostly focused on right now? I want to ask, Which one the most important for you in developing the community?

Alen: Business model, roadmap and planning are completed. We are focusing on the design and innovations.

Q: What do you think is the biggest problem Equalizer will solve which is not solved by other projects and why is the problem important to solve?

Julian: The Flash Loans volume is exponentially increasing and it is in a strong correlation with the increase of the Decentralized Finance Market in general and with the increase of the Decentralized Exchanges volume, in particular. Only in the last month, the total volume of Flash Loans was $500M. With such big volume and need, there is no specialized platform in the market. We aim to fill this gap and to become the first dedicated flash loan platform.

Q: Vast majority of Crypto project are built just for the sole purpose of amassing wealth for themselves.I want to know the value you aim to add to crypto that will bring greater abundance to the industry?

Julian: We innovate, we are not just another fork or clone of an existing project, we create a new market and we empower the crypto users to get profit from all the opportunities in the DeFi market. We don’t build just a UI, we build a new tool, a new concept and new standard that will have added value to the entire ecosystem

Q: How can your project survive this longest market and keep building and growing as many projects are dead and scrapped during this time period?

P: We have a very strong business model that allow us and our users to be profitable during all types of market conditions due to the nature of arbitrage and flash loans usage

Q: Most of users are still not aware with Blockchain & its related projects So How your project create awareness about your project with NON-CRYPTO users too?

Stefan: We are not aiming to embark new users to the blockchain, although I would love to see the entire world here. We are aiming to provide the best instruments for both borrowers and lenders to connect and enable the entire DeFI Space.

Q: Unlike other initiatives Equalizer has very different roadmap manner. Any date to finish those sprints?

P: Our aim is to fully deliver all the sprint currently defined in our website in six months.

Patrice: is this the target launch date?

P: Yes, considering that we already completed sprint number one, this should be in five months time

Patrice: Very cool that we got to know you guys this early!

Q: DEFI is evolving too fast and the ability to break is very high. What do you think about this and can you be sure that Equalizer’s products will be demand in the long term? What is Equalizer planning to contribute to DeFi’s growth?

Alen: Correct. This is why we design the platform in an open and modular way so the platform capabilities can be quickly adapted to the needs of the market.

Q: In present, what are risks affecting Equalizer? How do you deal with them to develop project in long term and attract investors?

Stefan: Aside Satoshi appears and wipe the entire bitcoin value there is no risk associated, a flash loan instrument works on both bear and bull market for different types of use cases presented in the whitepaper. If i really want to find and point a risk then the risk is every1 stops using cryptocurrencies and all the prices and all DeFI platforms remains without users.

Q: Token burn is important for investors, do you have any plan burn or buy pack?

P: We don’t burn tokens but we do have the plan to buy back tokens

Q: We know that your works on the ETH blockchain, because of the gas fee that we already know is very high, could we wait for Equializer on some other blockchain or network in the future, or will we wait for ETH2.0?

P: In our roadmap we already envisioned launching on other EVM chains ( Polygon, Optimism, xDAI, Loopring, BSC, Tron, etc) and then implementing cross-chain interaction like Polkadot, Cosmos, Tezos, Algorand

Q: Which projects are your closest competitors? For example, do you accept Uniswap, Curve or Balancer as your competitors? How will you take to the next level?

Julian: Here are our closest competitors and what are our advantages :

Q: Presently as at today, can I possibly use your token in real life for payment?

Julian: Our token is not for payment, our token is for governance :)

Q: Good progress and project
Being a sustainable one is what Investors look out for
How do you intend to keep users more interested in project, what facilities and other blockchain utilities are you creating? Would they be bug bounties or airdrops?

P: Hi, we have budget defined for bug bounties but we don’t have plans for Airdrops at the moment.

Q: Would there be A need for more team members and ambassadors

Are you partnering with any big exchange?
What problems have your project solved?

P: We’re currently in discussions with very important exchanges but we cannot disclose them at the moment

Closing Remarks

Patrice: I think you guys answered all the questions 😁

Julian: We are trying our best. Happy to see so many questions :)

Patrice: Yeah!! great teamwork right there! Please invite them to all your socials and groups. You guys are pretty hard to find 😂 Can you guys drop your twitter or TG links?

Julian: https://twitter.com/equalizer_defi It’s a fresh one ;)

Patrice: NICE!! 🙂 Thank you so much to all of you!

Julian: follow up on our telegram channel: https://t.me/EqualizerFlash

Patrice: It was such a full and informative AMA! ☺️ Expect our support and follow 💪🏼

Stefan: thank you PatSu

Patrice: Thanks @educoin @planeth @alenhorvat @rapidswarm 🔥

To join in on the discussion feel free to join our group @amaroom

