How The Argument Started

The Argument
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2016

Though we didn’t realize it at the time, The Argument started in 2009. Back then, we were still dating, which sometimes included making up songs together in the car, or on a walk, or while lying on a couch. In a spontaneous moment of new-love enthusiasm, Brangien secretly committed us to writing and performing a song in public, despite the fact that we had never done such a thing. Although we were both terribly, painfully nervous, it was fun enough that we began making music in much the same way we originally approached our relationship: cautiously stumbling forward. With two songs under our belt (see also: O, Viaduct!), we set out to make enough songs for an album. Slowly and unsurely.

Once we acknowledged we were maybe a band, we began our quest for a band name. We debated our options during long Seattle walks. Then one day Daniel awoke post-dream with “The Argument” fresh in his mind. One highly caffeinated cup of black tea later, he woke Brangien up to pitch the idea. It was 6 a.m.

Why we like “The Argument”:

  • we argue well together
  • some of our best ideas arise from our arguments
  • making music together is our argument for a good life
  • we didn’t argue about it

Fast forward — or perhaps, slow forward — to 2016 and we’ve finally managed to finish enough songs for an album (and we’re still terribly, painfully nervous about performing together in public).

Daniel & Brangien near Manzanita, Oregon

