Choice and Choiceless Action

Antonio Manno
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2019

Why Ludwig Von Mises and Jiddu Krishnamurti matter today

It is no measureof health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it (the motto of Ludwig Von Mises from Virgilio)

Jiddu Krishnamurti (left) and Ludwig Von Mises (right)

In the last ten years I was literally kidnapped by the writings of two giants of the last century, Ludwig Von Mises and Jiddu Krishnamurti.

On the surface it seems that nothing can be more distant between these two philosophers, Mises with his search for the deeper economic and sociological implications of the logic of human action, praxeology, as he called it and Krishnamurti with his enlightened awareness of human soul.

Mises based the entire construction of his philosophy in the logical necessity of the choice implicit in human action while Krishnamurti exactly in the opposite, in liberation from the implicit slavery of choice, in the possibility of every human being to reach and accept a permanent state of non-choice .

And yet, in depth, both had reached the truth of the human condition, the external one, of man’s relationship with the world that surrounds him, in a word, the correctly understood economy and the internal one, of the primary human relationship with the inner world , in a word, of the soul.

In Mises and Krishnamurti there is the possibility of correlating these two worlds as two sides of the same coin, that of the man himself.

There is perhaps the possibility of correlating two worlds that seem to be opposed, but, perhaps, they are not, the world of Western civilization that of logic and science, of the clear distinction between the observer and the observed and that of the Eastern civilization that of overcoming the logic, of the inner knowledge, of the union between the observer and the observed.

This is the most profound reason that pushed me to found The Ark Lab and to try to find a way to find a synthesis between these two worlds, perhaps from the inspiration of the life of Ludwig Von Mises and Jiddu Krishnamurti we can think of a new way to change the increasingly dangerous course our society has taken.

Our first experiment will be a real two-week round table to be held down here in Puglia, South Italy, from the end of November, where a limited number of pioneers will dialogue serenely and courageously about the principles of ourselves and our society.

There is still the possibility of some slot available, visit The Ark Lab if you are interested



Antonio Manno

GBTC Finance italy and Greece Country Manager ( opening up Bitcoin Banks)