On the Tragedy and Parody of our time

Antonio Manno
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2019

There is a tide in the affairs of men.

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat,

And we must take the current when it serves,

Or lose our ventures

(Shakespeare, Julius Caser)

Photo by Lukas Robertson on Unsplash

A few years ago, in a book by the great philosopher René Guènon, I read a phrase that struck me very much, which echoed to me almost unconsciously, he wrote how the inevitable fate of Western civilization would have been to end in an immense and tragic parody.

It writes of inevitability and this depended solely and simply on the irreversible loss of reason we had been facing for many centuries and whose initial symptoms could even be attributed to the development of Aristotelian logic in the field of interiority, the loss of our innate capacity to understand the reality for what it is, in one word in the loss of what Descartes defined the “good sense”.

It is not in this short article that I will try to get lost among the innumerable examples of such decadence today, it is not useful for those who still have that bit of intact common sense, it is to them to whom I address these few lines.

All institutions can only be irreparably damaged: the State, politics, education, religion, society, even Science seem to be decrepit houses before our eyes, ever richer in deep cracks, unrecognizable and dusty.

Is there still hope?

And yet the road seems only one, we must do nothing but take back the reason, common sense!

It is precisely common sense that tells us how revolutions, big changes, turns, never happen suddenly but very slowly and only when one’s time has arrived, such as when the pendulum or the tide stops at the time of the change of direction.

It seems that this time has come, if you look carefully at the signs, they seem increasingly clear, a renewed attention to the inner part of ourselves, the profound revolution of decentralization and individual accountability of the blockchain are just a few examples, the reaction of the tide to such abnormal tragedy and parody seems to have reached its peak and that cannot be left to wait and certainly these institutions will not be leading the movement, how could they ever do it?

But how will we do it?

Learning to look at reality as it is and from this return to reason, whatever the cost, what else is needed to recover common sense and freedom?

It seems crazy, even stupid but revolutionary !

We will try it here at The Ark Lab Dialogue !

From November 25th to December 7th, down here in Puglia, in the center of the Mediterranean, where it all began more than two thousand years ago, there will be a round table for 20 pioneers who are seriously interested in dialogue, serenely, on this issue.

All we need is great curiosity and courage !

Are you ready ?

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Antonio Manno

GBTC Finance italy and Greece Country Manager ( opening up Bitcoin Banks)