What is your Purpose ?

Antonio Manno
Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2019
Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

Ludwig Von Mises had an extraordinary intuition, as Descartes with his “I think, therefore I am”, on which he founded his entire science of economics correctly understood, as he called it, and whose implications, almost totally under the ashes for a whole century, are again burning for the world as they will do it for a long time, just one example?

The blockchain.

I know, few will understand it today.

You are instead curious to read this intuition, right?

It is very simple, like all extraordinary intuitions and can be summed up in a few words,the same ones he wrote at the beginning of his masterpiece “Human Action”

Human Action is a purposeful behaviour.

I know, it seems obvious, but the only important question to ask yourself as a human being is:

What is my purpose?

There are only two possibilities: I follow mine or another one.

It is clear that none of us chose the first possibility!

If it is even possible to choose the first possibility we will discuss it, seriously, from the first day of The Ark Lab’s workshop, for two weeks, from next November 25th, in the city of Barletta in Italy.

Yes, there is still a place for you too!



Antonio Manno

GBTC Finance italy and Greece Country Manager ( opening up Bitcoin Banks)