The fight for Theatre (persuasive)

Emily Griffith
Theatre and why it matters
2 min readDec 17, 2018

Theatre is more than just a bunch of people running around on a stage spewing off lines to the audience. In fact it’s so much more, it can help with communication, memorization, and you can really find your voice.

First off communication is vital in day to day life. You have to do it in almost every job and it’s really just learning to work with others. In an environment like theatre you have to get comfortable with one another. We do exercises and have to ask each other “May I touch your shoulder, arm, hand, etc.” And they can respond with “yes” or “no”, if you’re doing a play you really have to be open to letting people touch you and it’s important to ask them about it. If we are doing a musical then we need to be able to talk to our peers about dancing, walking, singing. If you need to be in a place at a certain time people will most-likely help you out.

When you memorize your lines for theatre it can help you in the long run. We learn techniques on how to memorize, like going over it over and over again, putting characteristics into the lines itself, and rehearsing with other people to have that conversation. It really can help you with studying because I can remember thing a lot easier ever since I got involved. In the classes we have to memorize a monologue and we chunk it. All that is, is just taking it piece by piece and getting it down.

I have found a voice. Theatre is the place where I found it. When I was younger I could never speak up but now since I’ve been in acting classes I can be the loud person I am around people I’m comfortable with.You really hear so many stories like this and it mostly comes from people who enjoy the performing arts. We all are the outcasts who need something in our lives and it’s just a space place for everyone no matter your race, gender, sexual preference, etc.

