Daily life and challenges of a theatre kid

Lauren Karlin
Theatre Geeks
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2019


This year our school was flooded with over 400 freshman. Naturally the theatre department grew. In the past years freshman have been dominating our theatre. Since our teacher likes to During auditions most of the freshman got lead roles in our shows. Many were surprised at how much talent this group of freshman has. This year most of our lead roles were played by freshman. In this year’s production of Wizard of Oz, Dorothy was played by freshman, Kalista. Kalista is involved with cheer, choir and theatre. Her schedule is packed full but she felt “being a lead was so fun but it was difficult to catch up on homework and watching my tv shows.”

“Theatre allowed me to meet many new amazing people and really come out of my shell. I am a lot more talkative and have a lot more social skills than I originally had”-Hailey B.

Being a freshman is hard enough but balancing high school and theatre can be tough. Olivia disagrees. “Theatre is what is making my high school experience so wonderful.” although it can be time consuming process it is all worth it in the end” Olivia is active in the theatre department. Since coming to West she has participated or acted in all of the mainstage shows. “Being a freshman, I feel it can be harder to get all those opportunities on stage but is a great learning experience for freshman to take a challenge and work with the amazing upperclassmen.” Clearly these freshman can handle the stress of high school and fun of theatre but how do the sophomores handle the stress?

“Theatre has really made my high school so much better and I have made so many friends”-Kellen B


Sophomore year can be tough. Keeping up with all of your classes and after school activities. I have struggled with keeping up my grades up and spending time with my family. Usually I get caught up on the assignments within a week but this year has been a struggle with time management. Luckily, Our theatre teacher does very good at only calling us in when we are needed. We also schedule all of our own meetings during the production the only weeks mandatory for everyone is tech and show week.

As a sophomore I try to de-stress with theatre and it usually helps. Recently I have felt I’ve been in way over my head and feel like I am not the greatest person for the job. As I grow and learn it had been immensely better. Theatre has always brought me joy and I have finding that joy again.

There is a limited time in high school so you should be do something that you love.

Abi Reigo is also a sophomore most of the productions she has been involved with, Abi has been a lead. Abi is also busy with other activities how does she handle the pressure. Her answer is “ It is frustrating when we had late rehearsals and having to stay up even later to study for big test or finals.” Abi is also involved with green tech and takes many advanced classes. “It really takes up a lot of my time” Abi continues to work hard she is very grateful for the opportunities theatre has given her. Abi has a lot on her plate but she has a great time management plan that works for her.

I love theatre but it’s hard when your friends, family or significant other tries ask to hang out but you can’t “because I have rehearsal”.

Daily schedule of a theatre kid

Here is a schedule for a theatre kid during show week

6:30am- wake up eat breakfast and get ready for school

7:20 get to school

11:29-get lunch/get help from teachers

3:00-get out of school, talk to friends

3 to 4:00- try to get dinner, hang out with theatre friends

5:00-call time for show, Pre Show checklist for crews

5:30- Mic check

7:00- curtain

7 to 9:00- Perform/work show

9:00-start post show checklist (clean up and preset for tomorrow shows)

9:30- go out to eat with the cast and crew

11:00-get home, take shower get ready for bed

11:30- Do homework

12- go to bed

The greatest struggle in being in high school and theatre is homework

As you can see being a high schooler is very strenuous. By the end of show week, you are tired and sad the show ended. By the time the show ends, it is time for another one to begin. Sophomores seemed more stressed than freshman. So does that mean the higher the grade the more stress with after school activities. To freshman high school is breeze but to as you become older it becomes more and more challenging. The homework piles up and by now you are already behind in classes. Students are grateful for our wonderful teachers that help them get caught back up and go the extra mile for theatre students who want to get their grades up. As long as students learn time management skills they should be set for high school.

Thank you for reading this post. Our last blog post will be up soon! -Theatre Geeks

Theatre geeks where three writers give different outlooks, opinions, and viewpoints on theatre. Our mission is for students, teachers and theatre lovers to gain more knowledge of life as an actor or a technician in high school.

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