The First Page of my Short Story

“Elnora and the Man”

Evan Hundhausen


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Read the first page and then buy it on Amazon!

“Do you know how hard it is to find fruit without any P’s in it at a grocery store?” Elnora asked the man sitting next to her at the bar.

The man stared as Elnora downed the rest of her drink. She looked back at him briefly then raised her hand to order another one.

“You have plums, peaches, pears, apples, pomegranates and not to mention how careful I have to be when I order a drink!” Elnora said. “One time this guy ordered me a fuzzy navel and I had to turn it down.”

“I’m allergic myself,” the man finally said thinking it wouldn’t divulge very much. “I take vitamin supplements instead,” he added.

Elnora was becoming a sloppy drunk. She laughed before turning back to the drink the bartender placed in front of her.

“Every day I begin a new hobby in hopes of meeting someone,” Elnora rambled on. “Jogging in Central Park one day, yoga the next, personal ads, I even go to different churches on Sundays.

“Once I found myself at a dance class at an old person’s home. All the elderly women stared as men with canes asked me to dance. ‘I can’t eat fruit with P’s in them!’ I told one elderly man.

“He invited me back to his room, ‘I have a kiwi you can have. It was given to me by my grandson earlier today!’ he assured me.

“When the old man bent down to open his small refrigerator I noticed a bottle of prune juice. The refrigerator light made it seem like it wore a halo. I fell to the floor sobbing at the sight. The old man’s hand was unable to console me.”

The man next to her ran his hand over the smooth surface of the bar wondering how to continue conversing with this attractive woman. He noticed her bosom. She wore a yellow outfit and the man couldn’t help but be reminded of the pineapple sherbet he’d seen the other day at an organic supermarket. He didn’t buy it and eat it like he wanted to.

“So why can’t you eat any fruit with P’s in them?” the man managed….

The rest of this short story can be found below:

