LAGOS Bans Styrofoam and Other Single-Use Plastic

Gabriel Ajah
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2024

The ban aims to mitigate the harm caused by plastic waste on the environment

The Lagos state government has placed a Ban on the use and distribution of Styrofoam and other single-use plastic in the state. This ban which is to take effect immediately is due to the challenge of maintaining a cleaner environment in Lagos state.

The details

  • As a densely populated region and an industrial hub of Nigeria, Lagos faces the problem of environmental pollution, caused by improper waste management. Despite the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) efforts, the problem persists.
  • LAWMA has attributed the improper disposal of Styrofoam as one of the factors responsible for environmental pollution. The commissioner for the environment and Water Resources, Tokunbo Wahab has announced this ban and has mandated agencies to clamp down activities of Styrofoam distributors in the state.
  • The Lagos State Commissioner of Environment and Water Resources, Tokunbo Wahab asserted the need to remove Styrofoam from the environment as it makes Lagos unsanitary. Agencies like the Lagos state Kick Against Indiscipline (KAI) and LAWMA have been instructed to halt operations of Styrofoam distributors in the state.
  • “Following the menace of, (and the harmful effects) which single-use plastics, especially non-degradable Styrofoam, are causing on the environment, the Lagos State government, through the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, is hereby announcing a ban on the usage and distribution of Styrofoam and other single-use plastics in the state with immediate effect,” he said.​​​​​

Quick Explainer:

  • Styrofoam is a non-biodegradable material and a type of polystyrene made of 98% air. It is used for packaging electronic equipment, building and construction, and most importantly, food packaging due to its insulation properties. It’s a material that does not sink and can last for over 500 years.

What this means

  • In Nigeria, particularly in coastal areas like Lagos, Styrofoam plays a significant role in clogged drains and contamination of the environment. The Styrofoam industry is booming, and its primary application is in food packaging. Styrofoam is used by customers like restaurants and small food businesses to meet the food needs of millions of people living in Lagos. most of whom would rather have meals ‘to-go’.
  • The Ban on Styrofoam will redefine the ecological and economic atmosphere of Lagos residents and food business owners who rely on it as a source of livelihood. It’s a hard truth that maintaining a clean environment in Lagos is a difficult endeavor that requires extreme measures. Restaurants and food businesses will need to explore other sustainable means of food packaging to avoid the risk of paying fines or the closure of their premises.

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  • Several countries across the world have successfully placed bans on the use of plastic and have adopted sustainable alternatives to reduce pollution and environmental degradation.
  • It is currently unclear how the Lagos state government plans to effectively implement this ban, given the ubiquitous use of Styrofoam and single-use plastic.
  • But given the plethora of templates from other cities of the world, one would not be faulted for being optimistic about how this unfolds.
  • As the leading commercial state, it is highly likely that other Nigerian states to follow after Lagos if this plastic ban is successful.

