2/10 Stars. This Emotionally-Intelligent Autocorrect Sounds Nothing Like Me.

I wrote “sounds like you’re overreacting?” It suggested [absolutely anything else]

Emma Murf
The Belladonna Comedy


Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

It’s been a week since my girlfriend installed eMessage across all my devices. And as the first emotionally intelligent autocorrect, I wanted to give it five stars. But for $2.99 ($1.99 with her therapist’s discount code), I expected more. The suggestions just don’t sound anything like things I would actually say.

Pasting my cache as proof…

user writes:
Oh, sucks.

eMessage suggests:
Oh, I can’t even imagine how painful that is.

user writes:
Sounds like you’re overreacting?

eMessage suggests:
[absolutely anything else]

user writes:
I take it she has to have more testing done. Did I tell you there’s a new Jersey Mike’s by us?

eMessage suggests:
I take it she has to have more testing done.

user writes:
Think she’ll pull through or this will take her out?

eMessage suggests:
On the way to you. With takeout.

Their message was 832 characters. Your message is 3 characters. eMessage suggests adding more characters.

user writes:
She was pretty pruney last Christmas…

eMessage suggests:
And all of this, so close to Christmas…

user writes:

eMessage suggests:

Strongly consider adding more characters.

user writes:
Does the hospital have wifi?

eMessage suggest:
Should I bring your pajamas?

user writes:
That reminds me, we should update our will.

eMessage suggests:
That reminds me, grabbing your toothbrush too.

user writes:
Turn around? In this traffic?

user writes:
Turn around? Did something happen?

user writes:
Well, c’est la vie!

eMessage suggests:
[a more nuanced perspective]

Emma Murf is a humorist and poet. Her work is published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, The Belladonna , Liminal Press and Sidewalk Poetry Press. She’s mildly allergic to social media, but you can find her at emmamurf.com.

