How Big Roundtable writers make money

Our writers make money when you donate. Learn more about who’s donated and how much.

Anna Hiatt
The Delacorte Review
1 min readNov 1, 2016


Chart reflects donations from Nov. 1, 2013 through Nov. 1, 2016

UPDATED (Dec. 2, 2016): The Big Roundtable invites you to become a member. On Monday, Dec. 5, 2016 we will roll out two types of membership—monthly and annual. Your memberships will support Big Roundtable writers.

Our writers are paid by you, their readers. At the end of each story is a link to donate through PayPal. Donations have ranged from $1 to $1,000, and, as you can see above, the average donation is $18.13. To help ensure that each longform writer walks away with a minimum of $100, The Big Roundtable subtracts 10 percent of each donation for our communal donation pot. One writer’s success—in terms of reader donations and also in terms of total audience (aka traffic)—helps lift our community of writers.

Nota bene: (We’re working on enabling other payment methods, like Venmo and Google Wallet.)

If you’d like to support the publication as a whole, you can do so through this link (again, to PayPal). In the box that asks “Donating to which story/author?” write in “The Big Roundtable.”

Thank you for supporting The Big Roundtable’s writers.

My very best,

Anna Hiatt, Publisher for The Big Roundtable

