#SharingEconomy Digest

Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2017

We are sure all of you have heard about Sharing Economy and how it is changing the way we perceive trading goods and services, as users and providers.

We’re pretty sure you already have heard how it is actually changing the capitalism itself, in such a way that old establishments are shaking in their pants, grasping at any little part of legal wangle to try and ensure they don’t lose their status quo…

We are not here to tell you anything more about this.

We are here to share some productive thoughts which hopefully will bring curiosity to your minds, and show you how every single break point of this new trend is driving people to work less hard, but smarter and easier.

Above all… we are here to make a conception spin of 180 degrees, which ultimately will give you the desire to join the network and make it work for all of us.

Being this our first blog, we would like to tell you a bit about ourselves: We are husband and wife, middle class working Australians with the average day on our backs.

We have our 9 to 5 jobs and bills to pay. Just enough time in our hands to have a small chat about our day, every day, for half an hour and then go to sleep, just getting enough rest for the next round.

We have tons of dreams but little time or not enough cash to make them all true. As most of you might be, we are part of that deep mass of population living the day to day, trying to make a name, leave a mark or getting over the threshold of common existence.

Noticing this endless chain of repeated events, we came to the conclusion that our lives should be more than this. This is just time killing activities. This is not revealing our true potential. This is just manufacture living.

We want more. We can do more. We can be more.

Wanting more isn’t a problem. The challenge strives in doing the required effort to get there, faster and better. This phrase may sound like much more you may have heard in motivational speeches. But if you think about it, it is absolutely true and powerful. It makes you think in the “how”. It gets you going. It got us going…

This search for the “how” is why we are writing this blog. We wanted more. We know we can do it. We need a vehicle to achieve the wealth to make our dreams come true. The funny thing is, we discovered an actual achievable way for all of our dreams to come true. Not only ours but yours also.

We came across this economic practice where all the things and skills we thought could not be utilised outside the regular frame of usage, are actually used. This economical model says “all you have or can do, can be monetised, on your own terms”.

This model is the sharing economy.

We are writing this blog because we want to be in the top sphere of advocates for a system that will allow all of us to have a good piece of the pie, moving away from the established stereotypes of big money eaters, which they sole purpose once on top is to maintain its position there. That is the absolute best thing about this new economy: it is accessible to all, as all of us live in a community and all of us have something to offer to the community, beyond professional preparation or classical training skills.

Our goal is to beat the monotony of normality and leverage our efforts on a tool that helps us potentialise what we can offer to the community, as a side gig or as a full-time activity. This new breed of commerce is here to stay, and we can happily take advantage of its opportunities, and the ease of nowadays technology to manage our way to freedom and wealth. We can open the door and we will have to be brave and cross it.

Our posts will include all sorts of topics about sharing economy platforms all around the world. We’ll be on top of latest events relating to this theme and create meaningful content for our audience, always with the objective of giving a useful conclusion to move a bit forward to the so desired economic emancipation.

Remember, this blog is made for people like you and me. People who are looking for an answer to the never changing cycle of economic status. If you are someone looking for a way to get “there” faster and better, these posts will certainly help you out.

We are in the helping each other business now…

Feel free to reach out to us with questions, suggestions, comments, ideas, tips, and any other means of participation. If you disagree with our ideas, we certainly welcome your thoughts and will be more than happy to engage in friendly discussions. We want to move forward, so we got to move together.

Let’s start building the better us now. Sharing economy is the way.



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