theblockbox — Building Great Ideas on Blockchain

Nena Vuckovic
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2019

About us

Blockchain technology is taking the world by storm.

Blockchain was put to use as an experiment in the bid to revolutionize the world of monetary transactions. But today it is spreading like a wildfire to an ever-growing number of industries and markets around the world.

TheBlockBox is a blockchain development and consulting company that helps small to large size businesses leverage the blockchain potential. Our experts build end-to-end blockchain applications for a wide range of industries including finance, banking, supply chain, healthcare, transportation, digital identity, and advertising among many others.

Together we identify how blockchain can serve your idea or project in the right manner, and then help you understand how your business would benefit from it.

With TheBlockBox as your partner, you can rest assured to stay ahead of the emerging technological trends of the future.

Our services

Expert engineers and developers at TheBlockBox implement your blockchain ideas to create dynamic products and improve your existing services. Our primary focus is to provide blockchain development and operational excellence from the business requirements assessment to product strategy and design, through development to testing and launch stages. Your blockchain ideas will be transformed into a business reality.

Blockchain development

Our proprietary blockchain development framework helps us deliver top-notch development services. Through a full-cycle blockchain development process, TheBlockBox delivers high performance, scalable and secure end products.

If you want to innovate with blockchain and DLT and bring it to the masses, let’s do it in unison!

Here’s a list of our blockchain development services that you can benefit from:

Private, Permissioned Blockchain

Private/permissioned blockchains were designed to bring blockchain to enterprises. They solve specific issues such as transparency with zero-knowledge proof, easier audibility of records, access control and added privacy. The private blockchain system allows only selected, verified members to participate in the network. Blockchain nodes have the right to override or delete entries on blockchain as required. TheBlockBox team focuses on development using Quorum, Hyperledger Fiber and Corda.


We develop a blockchain MVP to demonstrate feasibility and empirical potential of blockchain technology for your business case. We will typically build a testnet with a responsive web client, gateway API, implement support for off-chain requirements, develop business analytics and reporting, integrate digital identity and access management service, secure key management and other necessary components.

With our support, you can focus on creating truly innovative applications that utilize as well as demonstrate the capabilities of blockchain.

Smart Contracts

A smart contract is a computer algorithm designed to facilitate and execute the terms of a commercial agreement between the two parties. It runs on a decentralized blockchain platform, and its security and workability are ensured by consensus algorithms, without the need of any central authority. Self-executing digital contracts are key to cost optimization, transparent and immutable transactions, and improved efficiency and productivity.

TheBlockBox focuses on smart contract development using Solidity (Ethereum), Stellar, EOS, Quorum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda.

CEX, DEX cryptocurrency exchange

Whether you plan to set up a centralized cryptocurrency exchange in motion (CEX) or a peer-to-peer, open-source, and trustless decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX), TheBlockBox stands at your fingertips.

Both decentralized (DEX) and centralized (CEX) crypto exchanges deliver a multi-asset trading system with user-friendly UI/UX, multiple trading pairs, payment gateways, integration of native tokens, and liquidity order books.

Crypto Wallets and Tokens

Cryptocurrencies can enable companies and their product users to trade assets as utility or security tokens. Our expertise in creating tokens (securitized, tokenization of things, utility) makes us a perfect app builder for a secure, scalable and robust digital currency, tailored to your business specifications. We also help companies build their own secure crypto wallet.

We can assist with business model analysis, product strategy and design, market analysis, token and wallet design and development, including testnet and production launches.

Security Token Offering

Security Token Offering (STO) is a type of fundraising that is performed by a company offering tokenized securities. Essentially, security tokens provide investors with an array of financial rights that are coded in smart contracts, with underlying tokens traded on the blockchain.

TheBlockBox team specialize in delivering STO launch services, built upon next-generation disruptive technologies. Our team of agile blockchain development experts provides smart contract development services in Solidity, Stellar, Quorum, Hyperledger Fabric, Lysk, and EOS.

Blockchain Consulting

Embark your blockchain journey with a strategy that promises best possible results. Devise an unparalleled blockchain strategy by working hand-in-hand with our premier blockchain software developers.

Use Case Analysis

We analyze the requirements of our customers’ blockchain solution and model a system that functions to fulfill those requirements.

Does your application require a peer-to-peer solution to remove intermediaries or brokers? Do you need to create a permanent immutable record? Should transactions be kept private? These are some of the many questions we would review while working with you.

Blockchain Platforms Evaluation

We evaluate public and private blockchain platforms in contrast with your business and technical requirements. Evaluation metrics include transaction execution time, privacy, average latency and throughput, consensus mechanisms and more.

Though this analysis, we select the most appropriate blockchain platform for your business.

Product Design Workshop

Specific outcomes of our joint Product Design Workshop include conceptual, sequential and logical blockchain-architecture diagrams, a detailed list of features and functionalities, an MVP feature set, inputs/outputs for APIs, and an estimated level of effort along with a roadmap for blockchain development.

Security and auditing

Our expert penetration testers and auditors integrate risk assessment, vulnerability scanning and penetration testing in all stages of the blockchain development lifecycle. Through TheBlockBox security approach, we scan, evaluate, and identify security risks that bear the potential to compromise customer data and business processes. We address the findings and recommend the appropriate changes required to your blockchain application to maintain top-notch security.

Security Assessment

Our security assessment process includes security design review with comprehensive threat modeling, architecture review, penetration testing, manual testing, scanning and more.

Smart contracts audits

When security risks and vulnerabilities associated with blockchain application are discovered, we address the findings and implement fixes in the test environment.

Penetration Testing

Through a set of simulated cyber-attacks, we identify security weaknesses that a malicious attacker can exploit.

