ARK Delegate Launching New Services

The Blockchain Bench
3 min readJun 16, 2019

This story was sponsored through Echo Delegate one of the 51 forging delegates in the ARK Ecosystem and their generous voters.

When I think about blockchain technology and mass adoption, I always think about use cases. One solid use case can undoubtedly change the course of a company and in time, the course of the industry. One of the main hurdles is how to communicate the benefits of a new technology while providing a low barrier for entry. I have read about the amazing uses of blockchain for over 4 years now. Uses such as money processing, copyright protection, and digital voting. The benefits that blockchain can bring to these three areas alone are monumental but how to you convince the average politician, the average businessman, or the average attorney to use it? — simplicity.

This is why I have always gravitated towards ARK. For those of you that have been keeping up with ARK’s progress, you understand how diligently the team and community work to bring new products, updates, and services to the ecosystem. Recently ARK launched the ARK Deployer. Taken from their post at launch:

The ARK Deployer offers a stark contrast to other offerings in the industry. By combining an effortless graphical user interface with battle-tested guides and procedures, you can create, customize, and launch a blockchain, even if you’ve never worked with blockchains before. — ARK Launches ARK Deployer

New Delegate Services

A large amount of my delegate’s efforts are built around creating relevant legal research and outreach initiatives to expose people to blockchain technology. However, I feel that this is only one piece of the puzzle. I feel that use cases will be born out of necessity which is why Echo Delegate is announcing new services that will benefit the blockchain community. Below you will see our new services that will be open starting from July 1, 2019:

  • Tax Consultation/Assistance: Unsure about how to report your taxes? We can fill you in on the relevant laws in your area and point you in the right direction.
  • Business Consultation: Did you just create a blockchain for your business using the ARK Deployer, or are you wondering how you can accept crypto-payments, or are you interested in incorporating blockchain tech into your existing business? — Reach out to us.
  • Document Review: Are you creating Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, Agreements, Articles of Incorporation, or other legal documents that require input and review? We can help with that too.


All Echo Delegate voters will receive these services absolutely free. When we complete a service for any Echo Delegate voter they will have the option to “Tip” the delegate for their work. Anyone outside the voters of the delegate looking for help with any of the services listed above can contact us to see what we can work out. The point of these services is to offer the most help where it is needed in a way that will keep the delegate forging and provide a low barrier of entry for those looking to innovate with blockchain technology.

Currently Echo Delegate is working on a few other projects so our plans are to conclude the necessary research we have already promised to individuals who have reached out previously. After that time, we will open these services to the community and beyond starting on July 1, 2019.

Learn More About Echo Delegate

If you would like to see our proposal please visit here. If you would like to support Echo Delegate, we would appreciate your vote! You can also donate here to this address if you like: AJSxidGi2sgamwHBu2ugxVQiPSvvQLbRcj

If you have any questions feel free to reach out on Twitter or on Slack: Ray.Alva.



The Blockchain Bench

Ray has a background in Law, Finance, and International Politics. He is the Strategic Partnerships Manager at