Foundation Set Strong: Founding Team Member Vishwajeet Heads To Trinity Business School, Ireland!

The Blockchain School HQ
7 min readAug 29, 2019
(Left) Vishwajeet Ranade, Former Founding Member. Saurabh Sharma, Founder & CEO at The Blockchain School last catchup before Vishwajeet leaves the Indian ground to land in Ireland.

We at The Blockchain School are pleased to announce that one of our founding team members, Vishwajeet Ranade is moving out of the company on his desired path of life, as on 29th of August 2019.

A founding team is the core team that is responsible to build the foundation of any organization. A founding team member however does not bear the paperwork of being a co- founder of an organization, holds an equally heavy responsibility. And ethical weights of self realized responsibility are heavier to carry than a few pages defining your role in an organization.

We at The Blockchain School are happy to see Vishwajeet pursue his dream of learning at Trinity Business School, a B-school of Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Vishwajeet always wanted to learn Digital Marketing Strategy at the world number one B-School in the Digital Business segment as he mentioned to Saurabh Sharma, the founder of Techie Scoops and The Blockchain School, in their first meeting on 11 January 2018. But the connection between these two date back to December 2016.

Phase 1: The Connection

It was a cold December in year 2016. Vishwajeet was about to graduate as a fresh engineer in Electronics and Telecommunication from the University Of Pune. With a strong background in Engineering and Art, Vishwajeet was trying to figure out if he wants to Pursue Art or Tech. Vishwajeet has been a part of many international film and theatre festivals and boasts many awards and recognitions in his hat while being equally competent in technology. Saurabh in the parallel universe was storming into writing segment and experimenting upon many genres including screenwriting and songwriting. Saurabh started to search for someone who can guide him in songwriting when he stumbled upon Vishwajeet’s Facebook wall.

Vishwajeet had recently written The Cricket Worldcup song which was a big project with vocalists like Shrinidhi Ghatate and famous youtuber Srushti Barlewar. To learn the techniques of songwriting, Saurabh approached Vishwajeet in December 2016 and that’s where the social network connection was established which later turned to a will of building something big along with many hands together.

Phase 2: The Big Tech Swap

To experiment and make a decision about his career path, Vishwajeet decided to join Accenture on a complete technical front. Vishwajeet had seen entertainment industry closely in his college days and was curious to know about the tech and corporate world. Vishwajeet was on board with Accenture as an SAP ABAP developer. Meanwhile Saurabh had reflected a shift in interest from art to technology as well and he started a not for profit organization named Techie Scoops where he shared many articles, videos and other types of content in tech segment.

This caught an eye of Vishwajeet and he started keeping a track of Saurabh’s movements in the tech blogging segment. Saurabh started to make it big with moving to different cities, attending conferences, networking and blogging about rising technologies along with one another person. Soon the contributors on Techie Scoops increased to four people and a good amount of interesting content started flowing out to the readers.

Out of curiosity, Vishwajeet asked Saurabh if he could contribute few articles on weekends and they both agreed. Saurabh has always been an insightful person and he came up with an idea of each contributor picking up a specific niche in technology. Somebody picked Biotechnology, other person picked Artificial Intelligence, but Saurabh recommended Vishwajeet to cover the content on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies which has been an exponentially rising trend since 2014.

The hustle begun and meanwhile Vishwajeet had covered almost one year at Accenture. He was clear with a vision of hitting a place at Trinity College Dublin in Digital Marketing and was keen on starting his movement towards the same. Vishwajeet wanted to do something that would allow him to stay sharply technical along with being an artist. Being a strategist was the perfect target to hit. While weekend-blogging Vishwajeet got a sharp insight on modern day digitization and the vacuum in the field. He was then sure of targeting the Digital Business Strategy segment.

To prepare for the exams and build a strong portfolio, Vishwajeet off boarded Accenture. Meanwhile Techie Scoops got a good traction on the traffic front and many conferences started inviting Saurabh individually and Techie Scoops in all. Looking at the rapid expansion and having a future insight, Saurabh established Techie Scoops as a company. Vishwajeet volunteered to take up the information management part as he had time to spare after his prioritized time for the postgraduate admit preparations. Techie Scoops grew by many folds in few months.

Techie Scoops now reflects over 16+ international conferences as media partnerships, unaccountable mentions in international space and over 800+ unique articles on wildest of the wild technologies. The conferences and media partnerships took the team Techie Scoops beyond boundaries on places like Singapore, Dubai, Thailand, Indonesia etc.

The part to note is, Techie Scoops still runs as a not for profit organization and has had over 10 interns who have been a part of Content Creation and graphic design experimentation on Techie Scoops. Techie Scoops does not charge anybody to soak up the knowledge.

A desire to make new age learning accessible to all and the real time market analysis via international Blockchain, AI and HR oriented conferences is what brought an idea on the table. The idea was to build an easily accessible platform where people can upskill themselves and venture beyond to the new and futuristic opportunities. This idea soon started to take a shape with Blockchain as first technology to be delivered to the explorers due to its scope of application in the near future.

Phase 3: Laying The Foundation

With this idea and a strong desire to bring this idea into reality, a small team of Techie Scoops started working upon breaking down a strategy. Saurabh, Kaivan and Vishwajeet took up being three most important building blocks. Saurabh took up networking and business, Kaivan took up technology and marketing, Vishwajeet started digging into market analysis and content creation.

This tiny team soon came up with a solid documented white paper for building a new venture and the on-field action started taking shape. The Blockchain School partnered on the knowledge front with Stanford WiDS for their conference in Pune. The content started taking shape and over 4 online courses were planned along with hundreds of other learning resources. Kaivan started to build platform for delivering the services of The Blockchain School.

Saurabh initiated with expanding his networks in industry to a massive scale in order to bring the highest value to the potential students at The Blockchain School. May it be universities, organizations or any other institutions, Saurabh had it all that is required to gain the resources to build an ed-tech platform and give the users end to end solution from learning to recruitment.

Vishwajeet started giving the content a shape with his screenwriting and technical skills along with another team mate. Meanwhile he got an offer from Trinity Business School for Masters in Digital Marketing Strategy. He then started to transfer his knowledge to his team to bear his responsibilities. With constant endeavor and sleepless nights, this team of four grew 10 people strong consisting of full timers, interns and freelancers, by May 2019. Everything was set by the end of the 2nd week of June and the beta of The Blockchain School was launched in Mid-June 2019.

The beta was a big success and the users got to experience the upcoming platform first hand. Due to this change in the direction of wind towards The Blockchain School, India’s biggest business media named YourStorycovered The Blockchain School in their interview section. It was a great honor for the team to have been featured in this media. Then with this reflection came Yahoo Finance, Dailyhunt etc medias. CIO review Indiahad already covered The Blockchain School in initial stages. With this massive traction, The Blockchain School has now braced itself for its full launch this year.

The Future

Vishwajeet along with Saurabh and Kaivan has successfully laid a strong plan with an insightful strategy for execution for next one and a half year till the third quarter of 2020. With his complete involvement, without any expectations of returns in any financial or equity based form, Vishwajeet has given his best to ensure the success this venture. During this journey, Vishwajeet has given more value than he drew and this characteristic of his makes him this important to us that we announce his exit from The Blockchain School and Techie Scoops.

Vishwajeet will now join Trinity Business School and realize his dream of studying Digital Marketing Strategy at Trinity and of helping organizations grow solid on Digital business fronts. A new equally potent person has taken up his responsibilities.

We at Techie Scoops and The Blockchain School will always be grateful for his tireless contributions for volunteering in building this platform and bringing value to the community.

As Vishwajeet quotes “Seeker of glory shall believe in endeavor”, we at The Blockchain School will make sure his contributions will guide us and our community to glory, of course through endeavour.

We don’t know the future; we don’t know how it will affect us to not have Vishwajeet on this journey with us here on. But we are hopeful about his return. Regardless of his decision to come back or not, we can surely say that this journey is going to be different without this mind involved. We are very sure that wherever he goes, whichever organization he associates or works for in the future, he will surely prove to be a very important asset.

This isn’t an announcement anymore. It has turned to our feelings towards him and we will always cherish this bond between Vishwajeet and us. We wish him all the very best with his future endeavors. It was great having him on this journey with us, sailing to Blockchain and beyond!

