A trustless way for you to get people to teach your content: The One0x Platform

Published in
5 min readNov 28, 2018

Learning and earning on the go, or on the couch, at your liberty or as per your comfort — all these concepts seemed pretty far-fetched until the blockchain started serving as a medium of trustless relationships and transparent accountability. Information is stored immutably on blocks, and anyone from anywhere in the world can access information, but no one can delete or tamper with information. The traditional educational systems and conventional methods of lectures and questionnaire have been replaced by interactive sessions between the teachers and students, immutable recording of accreditations, the customization and enhanced approaches to learning new things.

What is a trustless system?

One0x, as a blockchain platform based on trustless relationships, works on the threads of the knowledge economy. A trustless system does not rely on any single entity to uphold and verify its rules. Trust is distributed among the different components and users of the platform, often through economic incentives. Proof of work, cryptography, merkle chains, and P2P networks are some of the concepts that often constitute a trustless ecosystem. The need for trust among the participants does not arise since all the information is verified and stored on a blockchain and smart contracts automate the terms if any. Information is publicly accessible and verified by all stakeholders. This initiates a transparent and automated environments where actions of an individual are directly linked to it.

How One0x helps in building a trustless environment?

Shattering the traditional boundaries of the classroom and doing away with formalized methods and syllabus, a direct link between education and earning is what One0x as a platform does for us. It has built its rationale on the concept of the knowledge economy.

One0x leverages the power of blockchain to track all learning, reward both the teachers and learners as they progress, and allow them to earn and learn simultaneously. It is a global standard for building dynamic reputation and performance trails for every learner as he moves from one learning avenue to the other.

Our vision is that educational platforms, every impactful learning institute that provides knowledge, and employers looking to hire talent can access trustworthy information about everyone’s learning and employment records.”

This vision seeks to build an all-pervasive, all-inclusive and trustless system of accreditation — such that any degree, course or merit certificate is registered immutably and automatically on the blockchain; and APIs of the platforms and could be assessed by anyone whether employer or the holder for life even if physical records get destroyed or the country goes in strife. This accreditation system has several paths and benefits leading to different users let us take a look:


  1. A user on the One0x platform can go ahead with a single knowledge account where he may earn Karma and Gyan tokens as he learns, shares his learning and loans his content to the others. All the certificates are permanently recorded in his profile fully verified and attested.
  2. This dynamic learning profile will spread across multiple learning platforms providing higher employability to learners with the global reputation. One also gets to share one’s progress automatically with multiple platforms.
  3. The learners gain the most — as they can go in for multiple combinations of courses which is not possible in conventional modes of education, where going for arts means you cannot fall for biology. We can also participate in online classes and in-person experiences.
  4. The compliance will help in augmenting the resumes of the learners by independently verifying them from both formal and informal learning settings. Also, proxy, attendance, and other college degrees will be replaced by reputation and knowledge score. Students hence have complete control and ownership of their educational data.
  5. The creation of a self-regulated scholarship to help the needy students is another perk that educational platforms can get through one0x.


  1. Educators can work towards building their own brands and devising their own methods of sharing information. Learners can seek to become educators, teaching and learning on the go. This way, educators can build better learning outcomes and bring greater repute to their name through student’s as well as third-party reviews.
  2. Educators can secure their brands by issuing tamper-proof certificates recorded over the blockchain. Once recorded, the impact of every certificate issued or verified can easily be tracked. They can also earn money from verification requests.
  3. Valuable feedback and recommendations can be received from competitive peers, eligible students and trusted third parties.
  4. As soon as a student signs up for their course, the data about the registered student can be retrieved using their ID on sign up.
  5. Educators can create their own platforms and one0x compliance can be easily integrated to them. One such successful implementation is theblockchainu.com by one0x. The Blockchain University, an online portal that accentuates decentralized learning on the blockchain is one such successful application of one0x. The platform seeks to radically change the learning and assimilation process on a global scale with online classes and workshops, hackathons and demo events, and public and private training programs to be shared by everyone and anyone. Each learner and expert on the blockchain university creates immutable trails of their learning experiences in various fields.


  1. Employers can verify any prospective candidate’s certificate and achievements. The one0x verifier further helps them to verify certificates independently. This verification service can be easily accommodated into existing software systems for better convenience.
  2. By matching students with one’s requirements, the employers can make better hiring decisions. They can get instant verification of a candidate’s data.
  3. Employers are protected from hassles and frauds. They don’t need to verify with the institution itself for authenticating, instead they can get the whole portfolio of assessment and achievements stored over blockchain at a single click.

One0x’s use of the blockchain allows for a total elimination of intermediaries and breaking up of education into its constituents resulting in subsequent decentralization. Clearly a boon for the learners, educators, educators cum learners and employers, systems and organizations turn user-friendly, customizable and moldable to suit the requirements of each platform, with its own set of norms. A trustless system is the new direction the education industry needed.

