Innovation at its Finest: USU Aero Lab

Andrew Kamal
Published in
Oct 17, 2020
Source: Getty Images/Canva Pro

Believe it or not, I am actually a huge fan of Utah State University’s Aero Lab. There are alot of reasons why, but some I would like to specify. They created Pylot (the flight simulator) and a variety of open source tools such as MachUp 4 and 5. They also have a series of how-to videos, tutorials, and this is an excellent example of professors engaging with their students. I’m a big fan of the hands on learning approach more and more universities are doing. However, what I’m a bigger fan of is the promotion of open source tools and well designed software that people outside of the university (like myself) can use. I been looking into their tech lately, and I think I am starting to become intrigued.



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite