Production Plans for “St. George the Iron Soldier”

Andrew Kamal
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2020

So, I am currently working on a small passion project I hope gets made. This project is an indie film known as, “St. George the Iron Soldier”. I have plans to bring an epic storyline into the big screen.

The original storyline description is, “In terms of stories of epicness, adventure, courage and all around savagery, very few meet the scale of the epic story of St.George. Even the legend of king Author doesn’t come close to matching the tale of St.George. Here we have a hero who cast out a sword on a fire breathing dragon to save a princess, denounced an evil emperor, and even tales tell of him literally rising from the dead. Imagine a violent king beating and flogging you to death, while screaming, “where is your God now?”, for you to not even flinch? This movie would have the opportunity to take people on the tale of adventure, action, and leave them on the edge of their seat wanting more. From songs like “St.George and the Dragon” by Toto to tales of a brave and mighty soldier ready to rescue a princess, isn’t it time an epic movie gets made telling the full tale? The critical acclaim of such a movie if done right, will likely be one of the biggest production successes out there.”

I may mess around with the storyline a bit, while providing both tales of heroism, facts, and maybe even epics. The story I want to do is something memorizing and action-packed. I mainly want to take inspiration from “super hero” films, story telling and films like “Braveheart” and “Gladiator”. This is something I want to do right, and work with insiders on. I already been pitching to potential actresses and composers.

I’m also working on making the story more and more compelling. I originally was writing the screenplay through Amazon Storywriter, but that became defunct and now I must use something like WriterDuet and/or other interactive tools.

In terms of production place, I have been looking around venues from Giggster and Peerspace. I take into consideration venue pricing + quality. More than likely, I will use Giggster more often, but my main goal is to diversify budget in ways I can film cost efficiently w/ higher quality.

Talent scouting have mainly been through Slated, which I am considering on whether I should keep using and its efficiency. I already found this amazing actress on there, but for her to join I need to likely pitch a better value proposition. I also found a composer that has the potential of becoming a done deal. For marketing, I have registered the domain Iron Soldier Film, and installed the Jekflix theme. This is still in the works. Website and marketing materials are in the least of my concerns.

Either way, whether done or not, I want to at least try. I am always hungry in my creative pursuits. I have a vision wanting to get filled. I also have a protected concept. I think I am the guy to do it.



Andrew Kamal

The dude with many different talents *Coder *Inventor *Startup Advisor *Coptic Activist *Sponsored Athlete *Blogger *Conservative *Researcher *Miaphysite