Delhi’s education budget worth INR 40k crore

1 good thing: Delhi budget 2018

Yesterday Delhi passed its budget. It earmarked 26% for education, 14% for health and 11% for infrastructure.

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers
Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2018


Budget highlights for education: INR 40,0000 crores

  • INR 175 crore for CCTV in classrooms
  • 12,748 new classrooms to be built
  • 30 new schools to be built
  • Grant of INR 5,00,000 to improve readability and maths skills
  • Subsidy for replacement of green tandoors and generators
  • Information systems to show pollution levels.

How does it help businessmen?
Budget generates opportunities for different businesses.

  • Hardware businesses can provide CCTVs.
  • Construction companies and architects will have to build classrooms and schools.
  • Edtech startups should approach schools to partner with their programs for reading and maths.
  • Local businesses will get orders for tandoors and generators.

How does it impact the economy?

  • More business means more growth, which leads to more jobs.
  • More jobs will have the trickle down impact on the local economy.
    Good schools train high value students, who are easily employable.udget & new business opportunities

