Delhi NCR apparel exports industry slows down

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2018

First a snapshot of garment industry:

  • INR 1,50,000 crore industry.
  • 2nd largest employer after agriculture.
  • 3 big clusters; Delhi NCR, Tirupur and Mumbai
  • Report by Asian Development Bank
  • Top brands; Triburg, Fabindia, Indo Rama, TCNS Clothing ( Source)

What’s causing the slow down?
Growth slowed down to 6% from a high of 25% in 2016.

  • Not upgrading the manufacturing.
  • FTAs of competing nations with destination markets.
  • GST caused delay in credit refunds and less incentives.

What’s the way out?
PMO has stepped in to resolve the issues.

  • Extend the date of exemption.
  • Less cess on imports.
  • Nominal GST of .1%.

