Display ads or content marketing

Neither works without the right context

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers
1 min readMar 3, 2020


Image: Vertoz

Serious marketers reject digital, due to the false claims by platforms, personalisation, ad-fraud and surveillance. Successful digital campaigns mimic traditional marketing processes.

Digital works in two ways. It helps in branding for low cost, low complexity and low consideration products. Example are fast moving consumer goods. Video and display ads help brands here. Two, digital helps in sales for high cost, high complexity and high consideration products. Examples are cameras and phones. Search ads and content campaigns help brands here.

Ad Fraud investigator Dr. Augustine Fab writes, “Buying massive quantities of ads, thinking you got “reach and frequency” is precisely how NOT to do digital marketing.”

If brands are new and need to increase awareness, it should take the branding route with video and display ads. If people already know what they want, then brands should use search ads and search engine rankings to lure customers.

