Image: BBC

Don’t let myths about entrepreneurship misguide yourself

Many people do not start their ventures, because they think that it is about shiny business plan, rich investors, sleepless nights and never ending drudgery. What if it is not true.

The Bootstrappers
Published in
1 min readAug 27, 2019


Linda Rittenberg lists down three myths in her podcast with Harvard Business Review. First one is that one requires lot of money. More than half of companies start with less than $ 5000. Second myth is that one has to give ones’s all. Founder of Nike Phil Knight spent a decade doing other people’s taxes. Third myth is that there should be perfect plan before starting the business. Instead one should start doin things.

Linda says in the interview’ “ I look at entrepreneurship as an arc. Get going, go big, go home. And for the get going phase, the really biggest barriers are psychological. They are giving yourself permission to be contrarian, to see the world differently, to zig when everyone else zags, and yes, to be called crazy.”

