
Dump digital marketing

Tactics without strategy is a recipe for failure

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Indie businesses should avoid going to digital marketing firms. They only focus on tactical activities such as online ads, contests and discounts to increase sales. Digital marketing is a vague term for sales tactics.

Tactics without strategy is a recipe for failure. Strategy tells a business about the best routes to achieving its goals. Only focussing on advertising and communications is not the right approach. When it teams up with right strategy, the results multiply. Also, digital channels such as social media, search and video sites are just extra channels.

Mark Rison, founder of Mini MBA, wrote, “You want multiple channels in your mix. They are more than likely to come from all kinds of media and you want to integrate them into a coherent campaign that uses different tools to do different things, at different stages, and sometimes to different consumer segments.”

As per small and indie business marketing consultant business should answer three important questions.

One, where are we now?
Two, where do we want to go?
Three, How do we go there?
In short by answering the above questions businesses will make right choices, by knowing what not to do.

