Future of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing does not exist

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers
2 min readJun 6, 2020


Inbound and outbound are wordplay for advertising

There is a content crisis. Businesses and brands are producing 300% more content. Only 5% is effective. If 77% of the brands did not publish content, audience would not notice.

Hubspot popularized inbound marketing. What it calls inbound is outbound. Pushing ads disgusting as information, sending out countless e-mails is opposite of inbound. Majority of content receives next to no links and goes nowhere, receiving few shares. Everyday people do not give a second thought to brands more than the two seconds. Therefore, they ignore inbound marketing.

Marketer Samuel J Scott wrote, “HubSpot, like many startup tech companies, is a gigantic bubble that was designed to lose money, grow into a house of cards, and make rich VCs even more rich through an exit. HubSpot might be the WeWork of the marketing software industry. But so many marketers want to be like them, and I have no idea why.”

When does content marketing work? It works when brands or businesses use traditional marcom tactics. Marcom tactics build brands among a mass audience and get sales and leads among a targeted audience. It is a combination of search engine optimisation, public relations, advertising, and direct response.

Worth your time: The reality of Hubspot Link

