Help for leaders and remote teams

Work from home isn’t helping teams

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers
2 min readApr 30, 2020


Due to ‘work from home’ leaders can hurt their teams. Nearly 30% to 60% IT professionals are working from home.

Practices such as surveilling the employees hurt the morale of the team. Applying pressure on the team with vague objectives and goals is as harmful. Forcing teams to share the progress means that the leaders do not trust their teams.

Claire Lew is the CEO of Know Your Team. She shares a one-on-one meeting agenda template that leaders and teams can use during these tough times of COVID–19 and their transition to remote work:

Catching up (5 min.)

How are you feeling with all the uncertainty lately?

Concerns / Issues (20 min.)

  • How do you feel about the workload? Where is it unreasonable?
  • Is there anything that feels troubling or concerning to you about the direction of the team?

Feedback (20 min.)

  • How are you feeling about this transition to remote work? Anything I can help make more clear?
  • What about my management style can I improve or adapt, to best support you during these times?

Takeaways / Next Steps (5 min.)

Companies such as Basecamp, Buffer, Gitlab, Auttomatic have been practicing remote work for years. Teams and leaders can learn from them.

