Seeking help is OK

There is no shame in asking for help

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers
2 min readApr 20, 2020


Entrepreneurs do not ask for help. They want to brave it out alone. Most successful entrepreneurs do not shy away from seeking help.

Apple’s founder asked for help. He said that most people never pick up the phone and ask. And, that’s what separates people who dream and who do something about it. One has to act.

Steve Jobs explaining how to seek help

Chris Sacca was one of the earliest investors in Instagram and Uber. He tweeted: In the tech crash of ‘00-‘02, I was super f’d. I was broke, desperate, and had collections agencies literally screaming at me on the phone. Despite that, it took me too long to realize something that ultimately saved me: There is no shame in asking family and friends for help.

Colin Lewis is a successful marketer, writer and speaker. When he faced adversity, he learnt how to come out to the other side. He suggests five things to take care off. One, start with the beginner’s mindset. Two, work on responses and references. Three, ignore what people say and work on your skills. Four, create value for others. Five, recognize opportunities and grab them. Six, choose the option that gives you more options.

Rafat Ali, founder of Skift takes courage from Arundhati Roy’s essay to build again for the future. He predicts that future will be about radical localism. In India it’s the small businesses, which kept the supplies moving, as the big e-commerce could not deliver.

