
Make business dream

Envisioning the future for the business will help make it better

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers


Photo by Ümit Yıldırım on Unsplash

The future of the business decides its present. Dreaming about the future business is low risk and has high upside. 30 years old Zingerman’s has been envisioning for its success.

Ari Weinzweig is the co-owner of Zingerman’s. It is family of small food related companies in Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). Ari suggests that small businesses should write a personal vision during the pandemic. It will help them know where they are going in these times. It should consist of three things. One, a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness. Two, aiming for excellence is difficult but energising. Whatever a business does, it should be better than well. Three, align with the principles of life. The vision should reflect who the owners really are.

Ari wrote in a blog: Visioning, I will say with confidence, creates the positive future we can get excited about working towards. Right now, there is much to be unhappy about in the world.

Businesses visioning comprises of small project visioning, large scale visioning and personal visioning. Businesses have used envisioning to turn around or turn an idea into a business.

Read more:

  • Why and how visioning works Link
  • How Sci Fi author Octavia succeed by visiting her success. Link

