Indie business

Meet Studio 4

Adman and founder of Unhotel has launched an online branding agency

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers


Most marketing agencies target the same 500 big brands and businesses. Bigger brands bring money and glory. There are 90 lakh MSMEs in India.

Studio 4 is an agency for small businesses. Its founder Manish Sinha, was a marketing communications professional before he founded a travel brand,Unhotel. Studio 4 is offering services under build, operate and transfer model. They will handhold the team for a quarter or two with digital marketing and social media. Once the team learns, they will move out.

As per its website: In our hearts, we always knew that ‘digital transformation’ was the way to go. Digital was anyways the default medium for many large businesses. Now, even for smaller set-ups, digital marketing, digital show-rooming and storytelling is the only way forward!

It offers services as well as products. Services are virtual CMO, employee engagement, concept jokey, workshops, content creation and brand storifying.

