
Money ain’t happiness

More wealth won’t make entrepreneurs happy

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers


Photo by Stan B on Unsplash

Entrepreneurs set up businesses to create wealth. Wealth results in endless happiness. Yales’s most popular course on happiness states that money has only limited effect on happiness.

Dave Schools is founder of Entrepreneur’s Handbook. He studies, meets and interviews entrepreneurs. He attended Yale’s The Science of Wellbeing to know if money will make him happy. He found out that money has a limit. As per different research someone earning $75000/ year will max out on happiness from money. Those earning less will get happy if they earn more.

He shared five things, which will make entrepreneurs happier without becoming wealthier.

  1. Learning new skills for a more positive life outcome, not just for money or “advancement” in my career.
  2. Being kinder by spending money on others, instead of myself.
  3. Making more time for friends and family, instead of working (on weekends, especially).
  4. Spending less money on things that aren’t long-lasting, like extravagant gadgets and more bedsheets that I actually need.
  5. Incorporating healthy habits into my day, such as exercising, journaling and meditation.

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