
Morning fuel

Entrepreneurs should not ignore their health

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers


Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Entrepreneurs tend to ignore the mornings. They work late hours. Scientists claim that by doing six things one can increase focus and help in operating at peak mental performance.

One, get 8 hours of sleep. Less than 7 hours is less. More than 8 hours is more than necessary.

Two, hydrate first thing in the morning. Drinking water in the morning supercharges the brain.

Three, stretch. It will improve oxygen flow to the brain.

Four, mediate. Practice mindfulness for 12 minutes a day.

Five, eat breakfast at the same time. It will give energy to the body and one less decision to make.

Six, work on the most difficult task first. The brain is at its strongest in the morning.

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