
Old is gold

Marketing experts bet on fundamentals of marketing

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

2021 will be a tough year for indie businesses. Low GDP growth, recession, job losses and weak global economy are the key reasons. If there is one thing, indie businesses should focus in 2021, it’s marketing. Right marketing is about understanding the customers needs and behaviour, and then acting on the insights.

3 marketing experts share how small businesses should use the marketing fundamentals to brave the pandemic and beyond.

  1. Marketing guru and a small business founder Mark Ritson explained ‘how to grow a company from nothing’. It focusses on how to differentiate, be distinct , price the product and importance of talking with customers. Also, how great brands started.
  2. Professor Galloway explains how big businesses, startups will fare in the new year. His predictions for 2021 will also affect small businesses.
  3. Samuel Brealey is a marketer for micro, small and one man businesses. His Twitter thread explores how marketing is not about tactics. Also, marketing is possible with smaller budgets.

