Image: NPR

Pioneers of craft brewing revolution

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers


Before starting Kati Patang, its co-founders Shantanu and Lata had met Jim Koch, the founder of Samel Adams. Jim Koch is one of the pioneers of craft brewing in the USA. He started brewing beer in his kitchen, and built a $ 2bn brand. He shared his learning in his book ‘Quench Your Thirst’.

Jim Koch had quit his job to start Samuel Adams. He used the old family beer recipe, and traditional techniques Today there are more than 7,000 small brewers in the United States. He relives his early days on the following podcast.

Before Jim it was Fritz Maytag, who had revived craft brewing. He had bought Anchor Brewing Company in 1965. He built USA’s first national craft beer brand. He opted to stay small, and avoided going big like John Samuel.

As per Beer Pioneers another pioneer was Dr. Peter Maxwell-Stuart. He re-discovered a small brewery in the oldest inhabited house in Scotland, the Traquair House. He produced experimental small batches of real ales in the ancient wooden vessels. Watch out for the documentary.

