Smells like vagina

GOOP’s weird products make it successful

The Bootstrappers
The Bootstrappers
1 min readFeb 6, 2020


By focussing on a niche GOOP has become a INR 2000cr ($ 250mn) brand. GOOP does not advertise, yet it gets millions of dollars worth publicity.

Actress Gyneth Paltrow is the founder and owner of controversial lifestyle brand GOOP. It recently sold vagina smelling candles for $75.It also sold Vaginal Eggs. They’re made from jade and cost just $60 apiece. GOOP also sells Vaginal Steaming. You sit over mugwort-infused steam and feel the benefit.

Advertising Guru Dave Trott writes, “Every time she needs some publicity, she simply releases another story about a vaginal product and the media goes crazy.She gets free coverage that would cost hundreds of millions of dollars.”

GOOP sells loss-leadership products, which incur losses, but gets customers to the stores to buy boring and money making products. Businesses can make more money in niche markets. Other brands such as HBO, Moleskine and specialist media like The Economist have all concentrated on being the best they can be — and customers have flocked to them as a result.

Read more: Niche: The missing middle and why business needs to specialise to survive Link

