Ferengi Vaults: Now with Lending from the Ferengi Bank

Locutus of BORG
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2021

The Ferengi Vaults have added the most recent capability which is Bank-based lending of Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL) for EARS Reward Tokens.

The Overall Vaults + Bank Architecture

Ferengi Vaults — Tokens:

Here is an overview of the tokens available for staking in the vaults.

Ferengi Vaults (EARS)

  • Vault Rewards: 25% of Rewards can be Harvested, 75% are Locked Up for 1 Year.
  • Tokenomics: Ferengi Vaults feature a 10% Burn upon each TX.
  • Token Contract: Contract
  • Current Supply: 7,603,881.01 EARS (Inflating based on Rewards)

Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL)

  • Tokenomics: Gold Pressed Latinum can only be earned by Depositing EARS Tokens in the Ferengi Lending Bank.
  • Token Contract: Contract
  • Current Supply: 8,934.02 GPL (Dependent on EARS Deposited at Ferengi Bank)


  • Tokenomics: Self-Staking Coin Earns 1.11% Back from Each TX
  • Token Contract: Contract
  • Current Supply: 582,065.1 BORG (Deflationary by 1.11% Burn per TX)


  • Tokenomics: Elastic Stablecoin. Supply assimilates to $1 USD at 13.00 UTC.
  • Token Contract: Contract
  • Current Supply: 147,374.23 BORGDAI


  • Tokenomics: 5% Deflationary on each Transaction. Automatically earns GasBack tokens upon each TX.
  • Token Contract: Contract
  • Current Supply: 80,368,196.91 ROMS (Deflationary by 5% per TX)


  • Tokenomics: Self-Staking, High-Tax of 10% Paid to Holders upon each TX.
  • Token Contract: Contract
  • Total Supply: 100,000 JEMHAD

The Ferengi Bank

The Ferengi Bank allows you to deposit EARS tokens and in return receive Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL).

Ferengi Vaults: Lending Bank

Why use Lending at the Ferengi Bank?

  1. Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL) Tokens are lent at a rate which may provide increased purchasing power.
  2. Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL) Tokens have no transfer burn, allowing you to swap them for other tokens without incurring burn losses.
  3. The lockup of EARS tokens will increase their relative value as they are taken out of circulation while in the bank.

Additional Information:



Locutus of BORG

Resistance is Futile. We have assimilated multiple profit mechanisms to create one collective.