Layered Farming on BORGSWAP.Exchange

Locutus of BORG
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2021

Additional Layers Add Depth and Game Theory

Yield Farming is profitable on BSC, but the most profit in the Yield Farm is at the inception, the point at which the earnings start flowing and people decide if they are going to compound, or sell off.

This is why BORGSWAP is introducing Layered Yield Farming, so that each new layer can begin a fair entry for earnings without risk of rug pull. The objective of layered farming is to reduce base layer inflation while providing a safe and fair environment to begin new Yield Farming positions for investors.

Base Layer — Klingons

The base layer is the least volatile, and has $KLING as the primary earning token.

Klingon Tokenonmics:

  • Started with 100x $KLING.
  • Over 134 $KLING Killed via Burn Backs.
  • New Klingons Per Block — 0.0010 $KLING
BORGSWAP.Exchange — Base Layer

Layer 1 — Tribbles

The next layer, Tribbles ($TRIB) has an ability to enter via the base layer with 20% of the Klingons being killed to reduce base layer circulation.

Tribble Tokenomics:

  • Started with 10x $TRIB
  • Over 4.4 Tribbles Killed To Control Inflation
  • New Tribbles per Block — 0.0007 $TRIB
BORGSWAP.Exchange — Layer 1

Layer 2 (Spock)

The latest layer, Spock, is layered on top of Klingons and Tribbles, and allows you to buy-in using the lower layers, but at a Burn Back fee to reduce base layer inflation.

Spock Tokenomics:

  • Started with 1 $SPOCK
  • Newly minted $SPOCK via farming will be killed to control circulating supply under 1 $SPOCK.
  • New Spock per Block — 0.0003 $SPOCK
BORGSWAP.Exchange — Layer 2

Earnings Countdown for Spock

Layer 2 will begin earning on BSC Block #5690000.

BSC Block #5690000

Additional Information:



Locutus of BORG

Resistance is Futile. We have assimilated multiple profit mechanisms to create one collective.