Why Crowd-Sourced Cybersecurity Testing is Relevant?



The world is moving at a pace which is difficult to comprehend. It is not a stretch to say that it is becoming more difficult to keep up with technological changes as well. The development speed of modern applications means that your website, your applications could be getting updated more frequently than ever before. In such a situation, it wouldn’t be considered prudent to not update your security testing methodologies.

Move over Traditional Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

It’s not hard to explain the very many reasons as to why it has become virtually impossible to rely on just Traditional Pentests. Just a simple look at them will help understand why so many Organisations are still getting hit with incidents and breaches. The oversights from vulnerability pen-tests can be a result of many factors. Criminal hackers have a lot of time on their hands and will be able to get through most network security controls. And so, security controls like intrusion prevention systems, web application firewalls, and SIEM systems can’t ensure protection from real-world attacks.

Following through and addressing the problem found is also not something that they can brag about. The fact remains that in many cases, penetration test deliverables are just vulnerability scanner tool reports, that more often than not don’t help in fully understanding your overall security risks. This is also because they stop testing once a single vulnerability is detected.

Pen-tests get outdated very quickly since it can’t match the development speed of modern applications. And the fact that these Pentests are very expensive to carry output limitations on how many and how frequently they can be carried out.

It’s the time of White Hat Cybersecurity experts.

All things considered, it would only be right to say that the time has come for Crowdsourced Security Testing. Crowdsourced Testing is open-ended which is more in line with how applications are built today and how hackers behave. Besides the more straightforward advantages that Crowdsourced Cyber Security Testing provides, it’s important to realize that they dig up highly critical bugs from live sites that Traditional Pentesting hasn’t been able to pick up on for years.

Crowdsourced Cyber Security Testing is especially useful in allowing companies to focus their attention where it matters and not on phantom risks that traditional Pen-testing sometimes report. Using a global pool of Security Researchers also ensures that they are able to engage White Hat hackers with specialized skill sets to help them. Cost-effectiveness is also something that brings more Organisations to Crowdsourced Security. Unlike traditional pen-testing where you have to pay exorbitant amounts for a stipulated time-period whether or not bugs are found, Crowdsourced Security allows you to pay for the findings only and allows you to negotiate the prices and the scope in advance.

Keeping pace with today’s continuous delivery software model is difficult and it’s even more difficult if you are still relying on traditional vulnerability penetration testing methods. The fact remains that these tests are carried out by a small team of researchers, are expensive, cannot be completely relied upon and are only valid for short amounts of time. Crowdsourced Security Testing is the future since you can rely on testing that is carried out 24/7, by Security Researchers who have specialized skill sets and are from around the world, who engage with systems in a manner that real-world hackers engage in and is affordable for Organisations.

TheBugBounty is such a platform that helps Organisations interact with Security Researchers, and carry out Crowdsourced Cyber Security Testing that will guarantee them better security than any Traditional Vulnerability Penetration test can offer them.

