Creating a count down meter with CSS3 and JQuery

Yan Cui
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2011

Whilst working on the MathDOJO mini game one of the neat little things I tried to do was implement a time meter which steadily counts down and changes colour (from green to yellow to glowing red) as it approaches 0:


First, you need something to represent the meter, a simple <span> element will do:

1: <body>2:     <span id="count-down-meter"></span>3: </body>

Then you need CSS to define its colour (and glow effect using CSS3 animation which for now, is only supported by webkit browser unfortunately) at different stages

1: /* define the animation (webkit-only) */2: @-webkit-keyframes redPulse3: {4:     from { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 9px #f00; }5:     50% { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 18px #f00; }6:     to { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 9px #f00; }7: }8:9: /* initial state of the meter */10: #count-down-meter11: {12:     display: block;13:     width: 100%;14:     height: 15px;15:     margin-top: 10px;16:     background-color: #0f0;17: }18:19: /* change color at midway */20: #count-down-meter.middle21: {22:     background-color: #ff0;23: }24:25: /* change colour and play animation when it's on its last leg */26: #count-down-meter.lastleg27: {28:     background-color: #f00;29:     -webkit-animation-name: redPulse;30:     -webkit-animation-duration: 2s;31:     -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;32: }

The animation itself is handled by Javascript, using JQuery’s animate method:

1: function start() {2:         // change to yellow when 40% way through3:     var midWidth = meter.width() * 0.6,4:         // change to glowing red when 70% way through5:         lastlegWidth = meter.width() * 0.3;6:7:     meter.animate({8:         width: 0 + "px",9:     }, {10:         duration: 5000,11:         easing: "linear",12:         step: function(now, fx) {13:             if (now <= midWidth) {14:                 meter.addClass("middle");15:16:                 if (now <= lastlegWidth) {17:                     meter.addClass("lastleg");18:                 }19:             }20:         }21:     });22: };

To reset the state changes to the meter afterwards, it’s easiest to remove the “style” attribute as JQuery applies the changes through the “style” attribute, which can be a problem if you had manually inserted style in your HTML:

1: function reset() {2:     meter.stop()3:          .removeAttr("style")4:          .removeClass("middle")5:          .removeClass("lastleg");6: };

Here’s a live demo:

So that’s it, nice and easy! Enjoy! Hope you find some good use for it.



Yan Cui

AWS Serverless Hero. Follow me to learn practical tips and best practices for AWS and Serverless.