DynamoDB.SQL — version 1.1.0 released

Yan Cui
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2013

Just a quick note to say that another minor update to DynamoDB.SQL has been release, you can view the release notes here.

The latest update adds support for a TSQL style WITH keyword for specifying optional parameters for tweaking the query/scan operation. For queries, you can specify the NoConsistentRead and PageSize options to use eventually consistent read and throttle the number of items returned per request respectively. Similarly for scans, you can use the PageSize option for throttling your scan requests too, but the DynamoDB scans does not support strong consistency.

According to DynamoDB best practices, you should avoid sudden bursts of read activity, using the new PageSize option you can make sure that your query/scan does not consume too many read capacity unit in a short burst and end up causing more critical reads to be throttled.

For example, a query which returns 10 items per request using eventually consistent read will look something like this:


whereas a scan will look like:


For more details about the full syntax, please refer to the Getting Started document, which has been updated to include the new WITH keyword.




Yan Cui

AWS Serverless Hero. Follow me to learn practical tips and best practices for AWS and Serverless.