Loading screens ruined The Long Dark for me
I so, so desperately want to like The Long Dark. It has received wide acclaim and has perfect game play mechanics. It make survival a challenge and chore- a struggle against the elements. However, I keep coming back to one immersion breaking element: the loading screens that separate the indoors from the outdoors. This is pretty seemingly minor complaint in comparison to the success of creating believable Canadian storms and reasonable freezing mechanics. However, it’s a big one. You want to check the weather? Need to open the door- which means a loading screen. What to look at your surroundings to plan your next sojourn into the frozen wastes? No view from the windows- so, loading screen. How about the temperature? Loading screen. In a game so completely constructed around your relationship with the harsh elements, this concession to the tools they used to build the game I find misplaced.
Loading screens are obviously inherent to video games, but you have to use them a way that minimizes the disruption to game flow and immersion. Some games do this by increasing rare loading screens, some by hiding loading. You can’t break up a key moment in your game with a loading screen though. To me, the entry and exit of a building are the most anticipation filled moments of the game- having a loading screen there is like the ‘To Be Continued…’ sign at end of every first movie that wants to be trilogy.
The Long Dark has a ton going for it, and I absolutely understand why people adore it. But the loading screens ruin it for me.
Originally published at www.thebusygamer.com.